158 citations
related to Dissection
158 citations
related to Dissection as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Laura Berardi
Alla ricerca del teatro perduto. Il “teatro anatomico” di Vercelli (secoli XVIII-XX).
Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina
(pp. 1-43).
Elizabeth T. Hurren
Hidden Histories of the Dead: Disputed Bodies in Modern British Medical Research.
Martin Robert
L'émeute des fémurs: contestations étudiantes, dissections humaines et professionnalisation de la médecine au Québec.
Canadian Historical Review
(pp. 525-544).
Philippe Mudry
La quête du vivant ou une vie de chien. Aspects de l'investigation anatomique d'Alexandrie à Padoue.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
(pp. 219-234).
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia
The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine.
Margaret Brannan Lewis
Corpses and Confessions: Forensic Investigation and Infanticide in Early Modern Germany.
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 224-244).
Siena, Kevin P.
Corpses, Contagion and Courage: Fear and the Inspection of Bodies in 17th-Century London.
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 149-174).
Allen Shotwell
Dissection Techniques, Forensics and Anatomy in the 16th Century.
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 107-118).
Alan W.H. Bates
Monstrous Exegesis: Opening Up Double Monsters in Early Modern Europe.
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 119-148).
Folco Vaglienti
Pratica anatomica ospedaliera a Milano al tempo di Leonardo.
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
(pp. 147-163).
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia
Corpses, Evidence and Medical Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age.
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 1-20).
Massimo Galtarossa
Knowledge from Bodies and Resistance to Anatomical Discourse (Padua, 16th–18th Centuries).
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 175-190).
Diego Carnevale
Visum et Repertum: Medical Doctrine and Criminal Procedures in France and Naples (17th–18th Centuries).
In: The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
(pp. 245-269).
Tinne Claes
Corpses in Belgian Anatomy, 1860–1914: Nobody’s Dead.
Elena Varotto; Mauro Vaccarezza; Roberta Ballestriero; et al.
The teaching of anatomy throughout the centuries: from Herophilus to plastination and beyond.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 69-77).
Raffaele Gaeta; Valentina Giuffra
Necropsy Reports and Anatomo-Pathological Observations from the Archives of the Grand Ducal Medici Family of Florence. Part II – The 17th and First Half of the 18th Century.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 88-98).
Richard Thomas Bellis
Making Anatomical Knowledge About Disease in Late Georgian Britain, from Dissection Table to the Printed Book and Beyond : Matthew Baillie's 'Morbid Anatomy' and Its Accompanying Engravings.
Melissa A. Carroll
Modeling Lymphatic Anatomy - Dissection, Mercury and Wax.
In: Ceroplastics: The Art of Wax
(pp. 199-210).
Tinne Claes
‘By What Right does the Scalpel Enter the Pauper’s Corpse?’ Dissections and Consent in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 258-277).
Ahmed Ragab
Two Students and a Corpse: The Semantics of Disgust in the Making of Colonial Knowledge.
History and Technology
(pp. 79-88).
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