Concept ID: CBA000114376


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Stella V. F. Butler (2021)
Two Nobel laureates in conversation: Robert Robinson listens to Dorothy Hodgkin's account of her life scientific. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 537-556). (/isis/citation/CBB350088485/) unapi

Article Marelene Rayner-Canham; Geoff Rayner-Canham (2021)
Mary "Polly" Porter (1886-1980): Pioneer Woman Crystallographer. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (pp. 68-82). (/isis/citation/CBB068480757/) unapi

Article Anirudha Dhanawade (2020)
Crystals, Crystallization, and Crystallography in Hegel, Stendhal, and Ruskin. Nineteenth-Century Studies (pp. 1-21). (/isis/citation/CBB600283159/) unapi

Article Giovanni Ferraris (2019)
Early contributions of crystallography to the atomic theory of matter. Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry (pp. 131-138). (/isis/citation/CBB126628917/) unapi

Article Stephen T. Irish (2018)
James Smithson on the Calamines: Chemical Combination in Crystals. Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 373-397). (/isis/citation/CBB973206853/) unapi

Article Jane Insley (2018)
Illustrating the ideal: Crystal models and illustrations in the early nineteenth century. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 333-341). (/isis/citation/CBB342120356/) unapi

Article Ian D. Rae (2018)
James Douglas Morrison 1924–2013. Historical Records of Australian Science (pp. 41-50). (/isis/citation/CBB550728081/) unapi

Article Stephen T. Irish (2017)
The Corundum Stone and Crystallographic Chemistry. Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 301-325). (/isis/citation/CBB753148946/) unapi

Article Enrico A. Stura (2015)
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Article Guillermo Montoya (2015)
De la Cristalografía a la biología estructural, un siglo de descubrimientos. Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura (p. 217). (/isis/citation/CBB716141674/) unapi

Article Julia Sanz-Aparicio (2015)
El legado de las mujeres a la cristalografía. Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura (p. 216). (/isis/citation/CBB030122133/) unapi

Article Rapp, George (2014)
William Whewell: Professor of Mineralogy [and Crystallography] Cambridge University 1828--1834. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 1-9). (/isis/citation/CBB001214309/) unapi

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The Antibody Molecule: From Antitoxins to Therapeutic Antibodies. (/isis/citation/CBB001422702/) unapi

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Article Salvia, Stefano (2013)
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Article Šolcová, Alena; Krí, Michal (2011)
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Thesis Crothers, Scott (2011)
Minerals and the Structure of Reality: A Historical and Philosophical Study of Crystallography and Mineralogy. (/isis/citation/CBB001567312/) unapi


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