Concept ID: CBA000114366


Show 353 citations related to Calculus
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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On Itô’s Integral and the Fundamental Theorem of Stochastic Calculus. Almagest (pp. 136-148). (/isis/citation/CBB077667833/) unapi

Article Carmen Martínez-Adame (2023)
Similarities and differences between some of the integrals of the 20th century. Almagest (pp. 210-220). (/isis/citation/CBB488059395/) unapi

Article Jesús Eduardo Hinojos-Ramos; Diana del Carmen Torres-Corrales; Alberto Camacho-Ríos (2023)
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Ructions over fluxions: Maclaurin’s draft, The Analyst Controversy, and Berkeley’s anti-mathematical philosophy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 77-86). (/isis/citation/CBB408398033/) unapi

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New insight into the origins of the calculus war. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 22-40). (/isis/citation/CBB398436588/) unapi

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