378 citations
related to Biochemistry
378 citations
related to Biochemistry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Schlessinger, Bernard S.
Biochemistry collections: A cross-disciplinary survey of the literature.
Picco, Christian
Das Biochemische Institut der Universität Zürich, 1931-1981.
Štrbáňová, Soňa
Biochemical journals and their profile in 1840-1930.
Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium necnon Technicarum
(pp. 149-195).
Goltz, Dietlinde
Das Donath-Landsteiner-Hämolysin: Die Entstehung eines Mythos in der Medizin des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Clio Medica
(pp. 193-217).
Efremov, V. V.
N. I. Lunin i stanovlenie vitaminologii. (N. I. Lunin and the formation of vitaminology.).
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
(pp. 92-96).
Hazen, George G.
Cortisone: The quest for oxygen at C-11.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 291-293).
Bearman, David; Edsall, John T.
Archival sources for the history of biochemistry and molecular biology: A reference guide and report. List and indexes of archival collections by Margaret Miller, with a selected bibliography of published sources by Matthew Konopka.
Boyde, T. R. Caine
Foundation stones of biochemistry: Classical papers on enzymes and pH. Translated by Boyde, T. R. Caine.
Berg, Clarence P.
The University of Iowa and biochemistry from their beginnings.
Morgan, Neil
The development of biochemistry in England through botany and the brewing industry (1870-1890).
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 141-166).
Edsall, John T.; Bearman, David
Historical records of scientific activity: The Survey of Sources for the History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
(pp. 279-292).
Srinivasan, P. R.; Fruton, Joseph S.; Edsall, John T.
The origins of modern biochemistry: A retrospect on proteins.
De Luca, Hector F.
The transformation of a vitamin into a hormone: The vitamin D story.
Harvey Lecture Series
(pp. 333-379).
Roger, Jacques
Chimie et biologie: Des “molécules organiques” de Buffon à la “physico-chimie” de Lamarck.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 43-64).
Debru, Claude
Claude Bernard et l'idée d'une chimie biologique.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 143-162).
Kohler, Robert E.
Walter Fletcher, F. G. Hopkins, and the Dunn Institute of Biochemistry: A case study in the patronage of science.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 331-355).
Leicester, Henry M.
The mistique of vitamins.
Scientia: Rivista di Scienza
(pp. 361-365).
Štrbáňová, Soňa
On the beginnings of biochemistry in Russia.
Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium necnon Technicarum
(pp. 149-221).
Becker, Stanley L.
Butter makes them grow: An episode in the discovery of vitamins.
Bulletin of the Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station
(pp. 1-21).
Kohler, Robert E., Jr.
Rudolf Schoenheimer, isotopic tracers, and biochemistry in the 1930's.
Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences
(pp. 257-298).
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