206 citations
related to Field work
206 citations
related to Field work as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Nathan Smith
Of stumps and stipes: Comparisons between the cultures and identities of Yorkshire cricket and mycology at the turn of the twentieth century.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 5-18).
Leonor Adán; Simón Urbina; Doina Munita; et al.
Valdivia: Intercultural Relations along the Southern Frontier of the Spanish Empire in America during the Colonial Period (1552–1820).
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 158-186).
R. Ashton Macfarlane
Wild Laboratories of Climate Change: Plants, Phenology, and Global Warming, 1955–1980.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 311-340).
Lázaro Guevara
The legacy of the fieldwork of E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman in Mexico (1892–1906) for research on poorly known mammals.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Simona Boscani Leoni; Sarah Baumgartner; Meike Knittel
Introduction: From Switzerland to the Indies.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 1-19).
Francesco Luzzini
(Re-)Shaping a Method: Field Research and Experimental Legacy in Vallisneri’s Primi Itineris Specimen (1705).
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 54-74).
Jon Mathieu
Divergent Perception: Deserts and Mountains in Transition to Modernity, Seen through Alexander von Humboldt’s Views of Nature.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 189-209).
Chetan Singh
Creation of “Scientific” Knowledge: The Asiatick Society and Exploration of the Himalaya, 1784–1850.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 242-261).
Meike Knittel
Flora Near and Far: Accumulating Knowledge on Plants in Eighteenth-Century Zurich.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 75-100).
Simona Boscani Leoni; Sarah Baumgartner; Meike Knittel
Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850.
Sarah Baumgartner
Questionnaires, Parish Registers and Prize Competitions: The Zurich Physical Society’s Sources and Methods for Surveying the Territory.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 149-169).
Régine Fabri
Le Vasculum ou Boîte d’Herborisation: Marqueur Emblématique du Botaniste du XIXe Siècle, Objet Désuet Devenu Vintage.
Kristoffer Whitney
Valuing Shorebirds: Bureaucracy, Natural History, and Expertise in North American Conservation.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 631-652).
Lisa M. Brady
From War Zone to Biosphere Reserve: The Korean DMZ as a Scientific Landscape.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 189-205).
Lukas Rieppel
(October 2020)
How Dinosaurs Became Tyrants of the Prehistoric.
Environmental History
(pp. 774-787).
Lydia Barnett
Showing and hiding: The flickering visibility of earth workers in the archives of earth science.
History of Science
(pp. 245-274).
Corinna Guerra
La Grotte du chien : un laboratoire européen des connaissances chimiques avant la création de laboratoires institutionnels à Naples.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 240-265).
Multimedia Object
Lukas Rieppel; Cowles, Henry M.
Henry M. Cowles, “The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey” (Harvard UP, 2020).
New Books Network Podcast.
Gilbert Herdt
Robert J. Stoller in the Clinic and the Village.
Psychoanalysis and History
(pp. 15-34).
Multimedia Object
Michael F. Robinson; Wisnicki, Adrian S
Adrian Wisnicki, “Fieldwork of Empire, 1840-1900: Intercultural Dynamics in the Production of British Expeditionary Literature” (Routledge, 2019).
New Books Network Podcast.
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