466 citations
related to Scientific expeditions
466 citations
related to Scientific expeditions as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Geologists as Colonial Scouts: The Rogers Expedition to Otavi and Tsumeb, Namibia, 1892–1895.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(pp. 385-415).
Matthew R. Halley
The forgotten history of Oreortyx pictus (mountain quail), discovered by the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1806.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 337-346).
Thomas A. Jefferson
Marine mammals of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838–1842: History and taxonomy.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 101-117).
James Lequeux
The total solar eclipse of 9 May 1929: The French expeditions to Poulo Condore Island in French Indochina.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 179-187).
Wayne Orchiston; Darunee Lingling Orchiston
The role of temporary Western observatories in the development of professional astronomy in Thailand.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 31-68).
R.C. Kapoor; Wayne Orchiston
Colonial astronomy as an element of Empire in British India.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 113-158).
Richard De Grijs
Astronomical tent observatories: Relics of a bygone era.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 159-178).
Brendan Cole
Ernest Galpin's pioneering botanical expedition to the Eastern Cape Drakensberg, southern Africa, 1904.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 298-310).
Joy McCann
Ice Bound: The Australian Story of Antarctica.
Robert H. Rothman
Giant tortoises collected from Charles Island (Isla Floreana), Galápagos, during the voyage of USS Potomac, 1831–1834.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 86-101).
Theodore W. Pietsch
Charles Plumier’s anatomical drawings and description of the American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus (1694–1697).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 141-159).
Edward J. Gillin
The instruments of expeditionary science and the reworking of nineteenth-century magnetic experiment.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 565-592).
Jill Hunting
For Want of Wings: A Bird with Teeth and a Dinosaur in the Family.
Marthe Fjellestad
Photography in the Arctic Archipelago during the First International Polar Year, 1882–1883.
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(pp. 50-67).
Laurence Lippi
Un parmi les invisibles du Jardin du roi: Jean-Nicolas Collignon (1762 – v. 1788), premier jardinier voyageur du roi.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 105-132).
Karl Porges; Uwe Hoßfeld; Frank-Roland Fließ
Mit der Ernst Haeckel auf hoher See. Fischereiforschung trifft Wissenschaftsgeschichte [With the Ernst Haeckel on the high seas. Fisheries research meets history of science].
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 572-579).
Cornelia Lüdecke
Ein bahnbrechender Polarforscher. Vor 150 Jahren wurde der Norweger Roald Amundsen geboren (Teil II) [A pioneering polar explorer. The Norwegian Roald Amundsen was born 150 years ago (Part II)].
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 580-589).
Nicola H. Williams
Polar weighing — An Oertling balance in Antarctica.
Historical Records of Australian Science
(pp. 133-146).
Cornelia Lüdecke
Ein bahnbrechender Polarforscher. Vor 150 Jahren wurde der Norweger Roald Amundsen geboren (Teil I) [A pioneering polar explorer. The Norwegian Roald Amundsen was born 150 years ago (Part I)].
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 516-525).
Martin Schneider
Alfred Wegener und die Kontinentaldrift. Geologie im Übergang zwischen Kontraktionslehre und Plattentektonik (Alfred Wegener and continental drift. Geology in the transition between contraction theory and plate tectonics).
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 236-243).
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