31 citations
related to Siberia (Russia)
31 citations
related to Siberia (Russia) as a subject or category
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Country Code RU
Dominika Mierzwa-Szymkowiak; Robert Rutkowski
Benedykt Tadeusz Dybowski and Wiktor Ignacy Godlewski: Ground-breaking studies of Siberian natural history in the nineteenth century.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 229-243).
Anastasia V. Kalyuta
In Search of Monsters: Constructing the “Other” in Spanish Chronicles of the Americas and Early Russian Descriptions of Siberia.
Terrae Incognitae
(pp. 106-132).
Andy Bruno
Tunguska: A Siberian Mystery and Its Environmental Legacy.
Matthew P. Romaniello
Could Siberian ‘Natural Curiosities’ Be Replaced? Bioprospecting in the Eighteenth-Century.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 257-277).
Vladislava Vladimirova
The Political Ecology of Scientific Innovation in Russia: A Study of a Muskox Domestication Experiment in Siberia.
In: A New Ecological Order: Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe
(pp. 220-239).
Susan Alexandra Crate
Once Upon the Permafrost: Knowing Culture and Climate Change in Siberia.
Nataliia Rodigina
From a “Country of Cold and Gloom” to a “Welcoming Land”: Climate and the Image of Siberia in the Russian Periodical Press, 1860s to the Early 1900s.
In: The Russian cold: histories of ice, frost, and snow.
Venla Oikkonen
Entanglements of Time, Temperature, Technology, and Place in Ancient DNA Research: The Case of the Denisovan Hominin.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 1119-1141).
Diana Kurkovsky West
Cybernetics for the Command Economy: Foregrounding Entropy in Late Soviet Planning.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 36-51).
Igor Tikhonov
G. F. Miller (Müller)—the First Archaeologist in Russia and the First Rector of Saint Petersburg University.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 81-96).
Marisa Karyl Franz
A Gathering of Names: On the Categories and Collections of Siberian Shamanic Materials in Late Imperial Russian Museum, 1880-1910.
Julia Fein
“Scientific Crude” for Currency: Prospecting for Specimens in Stalin’s Siberia.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 253-268).
John R. Bockstoce
White Fox and Icy Seas in the Western Arctic: The Fur Trade, Transportation, and Change in the Early Twentieth Century.
Paul Josephson; Aleksandr Sorokin
Physics Moves to the Provinces: The Siberian Physics Community and Soviet Power, 1917–1940.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 297-327).
Nikolai Garin; Svetlana Usenyuk-Kravchuk
Arctic Human Enhancement: Focusing on Traditional Technologies of Arctic Indigenous People (Designerly Field Notes).
Technology's Stories.
Andrzej J. Wójcik
Geologia stosowana w badaniach Karola Bohdanowicza i jego uczniów na Syberii na przełomie XIX i XX wieku / Applied geology in the research of Karol Bohdanowicz and his Polish graduates in Siberia at the turn of the 20th century.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
(pp. 193-215).
Tatiana Chudakova
Contingent Efficacies in Buryat Tibetan Medicine.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
(pp. 249-272).
Craig A. R. Campbell
Agitating Images: Photography Against History in Indigenous Siberia.
Fein, Julia
Talking Rocks in the Irkutsk Museum: Networks of Science in Late Imperial Siberia.
Russian Review
(p. 409).
Isaenko, Oleksandr
Role of the Engineer I. H. Aleksandrov in the Use of Power Resources of the Angara River (30-ies of the XX Century).
Research in the History of Technology
(p. 39).
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