Concept ID: CBA000114223

Marine biology

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Christine Y. L. Luk (2024)
The Chinese Freshwater Jellyfish Unbound: Evolution, Nomenclature, and Bioinvasion of Craspedacusta sowerbii, 1880–1941. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 493-520). (/isis/citation/CBB998640343/) unapi

Article Jack Bouchard (2024)
Fishwork Is for the Birds: Humans and Birds in the Sixteenth-Century Northwest Atlantic. Environmental History (pp. 420-446). (/isis/citation/CBB159530227/) unapi

Article Robert L. France (2024)
A ‘sea monster’ depicted in the 1585 map of Iceland may exemplify spy-hopping behaviour in cetaceans. Archives of Natural History (pp. 139-145). (/isis/citation/CBB254543425/) unapi

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Article Scott F. Gilbert (2023)
Shells, Gills, and Gonads: On the Remarkable Persistence of Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 221-241). (/isis/citation/CBB476319903/) unapi

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Article Alex Souchen (October 2021)
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Article Christine Y. L. Luk (2021)
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Article Theodore W. Pietsch (2021)
Two unpublished photographic portraits of the American conchologist William Harper Pease (1824–1871). Archives of Natural History (pp. 175-178). (/isis/citation/CBB214830850/) unapi


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