369 citations
related to Classification of knowledge
369 citations
related to Classification of knowledge as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Michael Friedman
A tale of a threshing machine: Images of the Voigt-Leibniz mathematical-agricultural machine at the beginning of the 18th century.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 17-31).
Muhammad Ali Khalidi
Ontological pluralism and social values.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 61-67).
Anna Marie Roos; Vera Keller
Collective Wisdom: Collecting in the Early Modern Academy.
Mario Daniels; John Krige
Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America.
Patrick Egan (Pádraig Mac Aodhgáin)
Insider or outsider? Exploring some digital challenges in ethnomusicology.
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
(pp. 477-500).
Michèle Gally
D’une bibliothèque, l’autre. La « science » pour les médiévaux.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 14-30).
Efthymios Nicolaïdis
Quelques notes générales sur les textes scientifiques de Bessarion.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 78-103).
Peter Wothers
Antimony, Gold, and Jupiter's Wolf: How The Elements were Named.
Seth C. Rasmussen
From Polymer to Macromolecule: Origins and Historic Evolution of Polymer Terminology.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 91-100).
Nathalie Richard
Between learned and popular culture: A world of syncretism and acculturation.
Science in Context
(pp. 491-495).
Koen Vermeir
Charlatan epistemology: As illustrated by a study of wonder-working in the late seventeenth-century Dutch Republic.
Science in Context
(pp. 363-384).
Gisela Boeck
Das Periodensystem der Elemente – Eine Erfolgsstory von Anbeginn? Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte in den Jahren 1869–1910 (The Periodic Table of the Elements - A success story from from the beginning? On the history of its transmission in the years 1869-1910).
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie
(pp. 50-62).
Michael D. Gordin
Die Elemente ordnen. In seiner Eleganz und Eingängigkeit verbirgt das Periodensystem mühsam errungene Entdeckungen (Ordering the elements. In its elegance and catchiness, the periodic table conceals hard-won discoveries).
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie
(pp. 43-49).
Kuang-Chi Hung
Subscribing to Specimens, Cataloging Subscribed Specimens, and Assembling the First Phytogeographical Survey in the United States.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 391-431).
Annette Lykknes; Brigitte Van Tiggelen
Women In Their Element: Selected Women's Contributions To The Periodic System.
Sonja Petersen
The Notebook and the Laboratory – Types of Knowledge in German Piano-making, 1880–1930.
History and Technology
(pp. 58-80).
Boris Jardine; Matthew Drage
The Total Archive: Data, Subjectivity, Universality.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 3-22).
Carla Bromberg
History of Science: The Problem of Cataloging, Knowledge Indexing and Information Retrieval in the Digital Space.
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 41-55).
Rose, Edwin
Natural history collections and the book: Hans Sloane’s A Voyage to Jamaica (1707–1725) and his Jamaican plant.
Journal of the History of Collections
(pp. 15-33).
Ana M. Alfonso-Goldfarb; Silvia Waisse; Marcia H. M. Ferraz
New Proposals for Organization of Knowledge and Their Role in the Development of Databases for History of Science.
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 1-12).
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