Concept ID: CBA000114192

Non-euclidean geometry

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Boskoff, Wladimir G.; Suceava, Bogdan D. (2007)
Barbilian Spaces: The History of a Geometric Idea. Historia Mathematica (p. 221). (/isis/citation/CBB000771363/) unapi

Thesis Braver, Seth Philip (2007)
Lobachevski Illuminated: Content, Methods, and Context of the “Theory ofParallels”. (/isis/citation/CBB001560945/) unapi

Article Sauer, Tilman (2006)
Field Equations in Teleparallel Space-Time: Einstein's Fernparallelismus Approach Toward Unified Field Theory. Historia Mathematica (p. 399). (/isis/citation/CBB000771355/) unapi

Article Krol, Z. (2006)
Ancient Geometry and Plato's Philosophy on the Base of Pappus' “Comment on the Xth Book of Elements of Euclid”. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki (pp. 169-203). (/isis/citation/CBB000931646/) unapi

Article Shoji, Kota (2006)
The Contact of Differential Geometry and Continuous Groups of Transformations: W. Killing's “Ueber die Grundlagen der Geometrie”. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (p. 166). (/isis/citation/CBB000772578/) unapi

Article Valente, K. G. (2005)
`A finite universe?' Riemannian Geometry and the Modernist Theology of Ernest William Barnes. British Journal for the History of Science (p. 197). (/isis/citation/CBB000550676/) unapi

Article Demirtas, Inanç Akdenizci (2005)
Salih Zeki Introduces Lobachevsky's Geometry: Two Conferences in 1915. Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science (pp. 67-78). (/isis/citation/CBB000931405/) unapi

Book Voelke, Jean-Daniel (2005)
Renaissance de la géométrie non euclidienne entre 1860 et 1900. (/isis/citation/CBB000830712/) unapi

Article Dölen, Emre (2005)
Salih Zeki and the Darülfünun. Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science (pp. 123-135). (/isis/citation/CBB000931408/) unapi

Book Gray, Jeremy J. (2004)
János Bolyai, Non-Euclidean Geometry, and the Nature of Space. (/isis/citation/CBB000750880/) unapi

Article Slowik, Edward (2003)
Conventionalism in Reid's “Geometry of Visibles”. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (p. 467). (/isis/citation/CBB000340889/) unapi

Chapter Freguglia, Paolo (2002)
Giuseppe Veronese's Studies on Four-Dimentional Descriptive Geometry. In: Towards a History of Construction: Dedicated to Edoardo Benvenuto (p. 253). (/isis/citation/CBB000430145/) unapi

Article Fuller, Steve (1999)
Authorizing science studies: or, Why we have never had paradigms. American Anthropologist (pp. 379-380). (/isis/citation/CBB000079981/) unapi

Article Fujimura, Joan H. (1998)
Authorizing knowledge in science and anthropology. American Anthropologist (pp. 347-360). (/isis/citation/CBB000077662/) unapi

Book Beltrami, Eugenio (1998)
La découverte de la géométrie non euclidienne sur la pseudosphère: Les lettres d'Eugenio Beltrami à Jules Hoüel (1868-1881). Introduction, notes et commentaires critiques par Boi, Luciano, Giacardi, Livia, Tazzioli, Rossana. Préface, Ch. Houzel et E. Knobloch. (/isis/citation/CBB000082240/) unapi

Article Cicenia, Salvatore (1998)
Le lettere di E. Beltrami ad A. Genocchi sulle geometrie non Euclidee. Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza (pp. 567-593). (/isis/citation/CBB000082249/) unapi

Article Boi, Luciano (1996)
Les géométries non euclidiennes, le problème philosophique de l'espace et la conception transcendantale: Helmholtz et Kant, les néo-kantiens, Einstein, Poincaré et Mach. Kant-Studien (pp. 257-289). (/isis/citation/CBB000072476/) unapi

Book Stillwell, John (1996)
Sources of hyperbolic geometry. (/isis/citation/CBB000078646/) unapi

Article Calleri, Paola; Giacardi, Livia (1995)
Le lettere di Giuseppe Battaglini a Jules Hoüel (1867-1878): La diffusione delle geometrie non euclidee in Italia. Rivista di Storia della Scienza (pp. 125-206). (/isis/citation/CBB000072350/) unapi

Article Martins, Roberto de Andrade (1995)
A influência das geometrias não-euclidianas no pensamento físico de século XIX. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia de Ciência (pp. 67-79). (/isis/citation/CBB000068213/) unapi


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