495 citations
related to World War I
495 citations
related to World War I as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Lerner, Paul
Hysterical Men: War, Psychiatry, and the Politics of Trauma in Germany, 1890--1930.
Evans, Andrew D.
Anthropology at War: Racial Studies of POWs during World War I.
In: Worldly Provincialism: German Anthropology in the Age of Empire
(p. 198).
Clarsena, Georgine
“A Fine University for Women Engineers”: A Scottish Munitions Factory in World War I.
Women's History Review
(p. 333).
Litalien, Michel
Dans la tourmente: Deux hôpitaux militaires canadiens-français dans la France en guerre, 1915--1919.
Essay Review
Johnson, Jeffrey Allan
Chemical Warfare in the Great War.
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy.
Evans, Andrew David
Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany.
Ede, Andrew
The Natural Defense of a Scientific People: The Public Debate over Chemical Warfare in Post-WWI America.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 128).
Leese, Peter
Shell Shock: Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War.
Twidale, C. Rowl; Bourne, Jennie A.
International Science “Down Under”: The British Association Meeting in Australia, August 1914, with Special Reference to Related Activities in Adelaide.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(p. 166).
Wisniak, Jaime
Fritz Haber---A Conflicting Chemist.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(p. 153).
Quiney, Linda J.
“Assistant Angels”: Canadian Women as Voluntary Aid Detachment Nurses during and after the Great War, 1914--1930.
Hull, Andrew J.
Food for Thought? The Relations between the Royal Society Food Committees and Government, 1915--19.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(p. 263).
Wooley, Charles F.
The Irritable Heart of Soldiers and the Origins of Anglo-American Cardiology: The U.S. Civil War (1861) to World War I (1918).
Byerly, Carol R.
The politics of disease and war: Infectious disease in the United States Army during World War I.
Herzberg, David
Thinking through war: The social thought of Richard T. Ely, John R. Commons, and Edward A. Ross during the First World War.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(p. 123).
Gijswijt-Hofstra, Marijke; Porter, Roy
Cultures of Neurasthenia: From Beard to First World War.
Crouthamel, Jason
Invisible Traumas: Psychological Wounds, World War I, and German Society, 1914--1945.
Russell, Edmund
War and Nature: Fighting Humans and Insects with Chemicals from World War I to Silent Spring.
Godfrey, Matthew C.
The Utah-Idaho Sugar Company: Political and Legal Troubles in the Aftermath of the First World War.
Agricultural History
(p. 188).
Lesch, John E.
The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century.
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