Geographic Term ID: CBA000114174


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Book Pamela D. McElwee (2016)
Forests Are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietnam. (/isis/citation/CBB542670861/) unapi

Book C. Michele Thompson (2015)
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine: A Social History. (/isis/citation/CBB013500686/) unapi

Book Philip Taylor (2014)
The Khmer Lands of Vietnam: Environment, Cosmology, and Sovereignty. (/isis/citation/CBB603291010/) unapi

Article Wahlberg, Ayo (2014)
Herbs, Laboratories, and Revolution: On the Making of a National Medicine in Vietnam. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (p. 43). (/isis/citation/CBB001450050/) unapi

Chapter Agathe Keller; Alexei Volkov (2014)
Mathematics Education in Oriental Antiquity and Middle Ages. In: Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education (pp. 55-83). (/isis/citation/CBB443557613/) unapi

Book Gunn, Geoffrey C. (2014)
Rice Wars in Colonial Vietnam: The Great Famine and the Viet Minh Road to Power. (/isis/citation/CBB001422637/) unapi

Article Chi, Vu Kim; Rompaey, Anton Van; Govers, Gerard; et al. (2013)
Land Transitions in Northwest Vietnam: An Integrated Analysis of Biophysical and Socio-Cultural Factors. Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal (p. 37). (/isis/citation/CBB001320672/) unapi

Article Fino, Steven A. (2013)
Breaking the Trance: The Perils of Technological Exuberance in the U.S. Air Force Entering Vietnam. Journal of Military History (pp. 625-655). (/isis/citation/CBB001213864/) unapi

Article Oatsvall, Neil S. (2013)
Trees Versus Lives: Reckoning Military Success and the Ecological Effects of Chemical Defoliation during the Vietnam War. Environment and History (pp. 427-458). (/isis/citation/CBB001421399/) unapi

Book Eren Zink (2013)
Hot Science, High Water: Assembling Nature, Society and Environmental Policy in Contemporary Vietnam. (/isis/citation/CBB586765558/) unapi

Chapter Alexei Volkov (2013)
Astrology and Hemerology in Traditional Vietnam. In: Les astres et le destin. Astrologie et divination en Asie orientale (pp. 113-140). (/isis/citation/CBB982527048/) unapi

Article Meyfroidt, Patrick (2013)
Environmental Cognitions, Land Change and Social-Ecological Feedbacks: Local Case Studies of Forest Transition in Vietnam. Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal (pp. 367-392). (/isis/citation/CBB001421930/) unapi

Article Aso, Michitake; Guénel, Annick (2013)
The Itinerary of a North Vietnamese Surgeon: Medical Science and Politics during the Cold War. Science Technology and Society (p. 291). (/isis/citation/CBB001201763/) unapi

Thesis Edington, Claire Ellen (2013)
Beyond the Asylum: Colonial Psychiatry in French Indochina, 1880--1940. (/isis/citation/CBB001567481/) unapi

Book Laurence Monnais-Rousselot; Thompson, C. Michele; Ayo Wahlberg (2012)
Southern Medicine for Southern People: Vietnamese Medicine in the Making. (/isis/citation/CBB501018905/) unapi

Article Monnais, Laurence (2012)
Colonised and Neurasthenic: From the Appropriation of a Word to the Reality of a Malaise de Civilisation in Urban French Vietnam. Health and History (pp. 121-142). (/isis/citation/CBB001200715/) unapi

Article Martini, Edwin A. (2012)
Even We Can't Prevent Forests: The Chemical War in Vietnam and the Illusion of Control. War and Society (p. 264). (/isis/citation/CBB001320116/) unapi

Article Coleborne, Catharine; McCarthy, Angela (2012)
Health and Place in Historical Perspective: Medicine, Ethnicity, and Colonial Identities. Health and History (pp. 1-11). (/isis/citation/CBB001200709/) unapi

Book Martini, Edwin A. (2012)
Agent Orange: History, Science, and the Politics of Uncertainty. (/isis/citation/CBB001320939/) unapi

Chapter Volkov, Alexei (2012)
Argumentation for State Examinations: Demonstration in Traditional Chinese and Vietnamese Mathematics. In: The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions (p. 509). (/isis/citation/CBB001320153/) unapi


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