Geographic Term ID: CBA000114150

Chicago (Illinois, U.S.)

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Making Machines of Animals: The International Livestock Exposition. (/isis/citation/CBB636823316/) unapi

Book Elizabeth Grennan Browning (2022)
Nature's Laboratory: Environmental Thought and Labor Radicalism in Chicago, 1886–1937. (/isis/citation/CBB564153670/) unapi

Article Richard Gross (2022)
Mapping the Chicago Portage: Seventeenth-Century Explorations by Jolliet, Marquette, La Salle, and Joutel. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 162-186). (/isis/citation/CBB566944774/) unapi

Article Amani C. Morrison (2022)
Quotidian Expenses: Residential Repertoires and Domestic Pedagogies in Great Migration Chicago’s Kitchenettes. American Quarterly (pp. 73-94). (/isis/citation/CBB665273761/) unapi

Article Gabrielle Soudan; David Philippy; Harro Maas (2021)
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Modern Food as Uprising: Eat the Rich: Radical Food Justice in Memphis and Chicago. In: Acquired Tastes: Stories about the Origins of Modern Food. (/isis/citation/CBB646273306/) unapi

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Article Fred Ash (Fall-Winter 2021)
Floating aroud congestion. Railroad History (pp. 52-71). (/isis/citation/CBB379803485/) unapi

Article Joseph D. Martin (2020)
The Simple and Courageous Course: Industrial Patronage of Basic Research at the University of Chicago, 1945–1953. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 697-716). (/isis/citation/CBB168741962/) unapi

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Book Robert D. Lewis (2020)
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Article John M. Andrick (2020)
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Book David R. M. Beck (2019)
Unfair Labor?: American Indians and the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. (/isis/citation/CBB485196891/) unapi

Book Emily Remus (2019)
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Article Elizabeth Schlabach (2019)
The Influenza Epidemic and Jim Crow Public Health Policies and Practices in Chicago, 1917–1921. The Journal of African American History (pp. 31-58). (/isis/citation/CBB696683073/) unapi

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‘I was a Sociological Stranger’: Ethnographic Fieldwork and Undercover Performance in the Publication of The Taxi-Dance Hall, 1925–1932. Gender and History (pp. 131-152). (/isis/citation/CBB519275006/) unapi


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