Geographic Term ID: CBA000114148

Florida (U.S.)

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Book Leslie Kemp Poole (2015)
Saving Florida: Women's Fight for the Environment in the Twentieth Century. (/isis/citation/CBB600520692/) unapi

Article Randall, Asa (2015)
How Jeffries Wyman put Florida and Shell Mounds on the Map (1860--1875). Bulletin of the History of Archaeology. (/isis/citation/CBB001552993/) unapi

Article Lozano, Henry Knight (2015)
Water in Paradise: California, Florida, and Environmental Rivalry in the Gilded Age. Environmental History (pp. 619-644). (/isis/citation/CBB001553563/) unapi

Book Brandon Haught (2014)
Going Ape: Florida's Battles over Evolution in the Classroom. (/isis/citation/CBB743449384/) unapi

Book Peggy Macdonald (2014)
Marjorie Harris Carr: Defender of Florida's Environment. (/isis/citation/CBB797852219/) unapi

Book Wayne Neely (2014)
The Great Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928: The Story of the Second Deadliest Hurricane in American History and the Deadliest Hurricane in Bahamian History. (/isis/citation/CBB362610707/) unapi

Article Murphy, Kathleen S. (2014)
To Make Florida Answer to Its Name: John Ellis, Bernard Romans and the Atlantic Science of British West Florida. British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 43-65). (/isis/citation/CBB001321053/) unapi

Article Gillaspy, James Arthur, Jr.; Brinegar, Jennifer L.; Bailey, Robert E. (2014)
Operant Psychology Makes a Splash---In Marine Mammal Training (1955--1965). Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 231-248). (/isis/citation/CBB001420017/) unapi

Book Slongwhite, Dale Finley; Economos, Jeannie (2014)
Fed up: The High Costs of Cheap Food. (/isis/citation/CBB001422400/) unapi

Article McClenachan, Loren (2013)
Recreation and the “Right to Fish” Movement: Anglers and Ecological Degradation in the Florida Keys. Environmental History (pp. 76-87). (/isis/citation/CBB001211796/) unapi

Article Huffard, R. Scott, Jr. (2013)
Infected Rails: Yellow Fever and Southern Railroads. Journal of Southern History (p. 79). (/isis/citation/CBB001200324/) unapi

Article Strang, Cameron B. (2013)
Indian Storytelling, Scientific Knowledge, and Power in the Florida Boderlands. William and Mary Quarterly (p. 671). (/isis/citation/CBB001320637/) unapi

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Climate Change Archaeology: Building Resilience from Research in the World's Coastal Wetlands. (/isis/citation/CBB001422061/) unapi

Article Navakas, Michele Currie (2013)
Island Nation: Mapping Florida, Revising America. Early American Studies (p. 243). (/isis/citation/CBB001200576/) unapi

Article Sibul, Eric (Fall/Winter 2012)
Rails to America's Gibralter: Naval and Military Policy and Politics and the Florida East Coast Key West extension. Railroad History (pp. 54-77). (/isis/citation/CBB539918291/) unapi

Article Martin, Dean F.; Bidani, Karina (2012)
The Kamlet Laboratories Collection at the University of South Florida. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (pp. 96-101). (/isis/citation/CBB001252048/) unapi

Thesis Ardalan, Christine (2012)
Forging Professional Public Health Nursing in a Southern State: Florida's Public Health Nurses, 1889--1934. (/isis/citation/CBB001561020/) unapi

Thesis Poole, Leslie Kemp (2012)
Let Florida Be Green: Women, Activism, and the Environmental Century, 1900--2000. (/isis/citation/CBB001567401/) unapi

Book Seth H. Bramson (2011)
The greatest railroad story ever told: Henry Flagler & the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West extension. (/isis/citation/CBB824394466/) unapi

Book McCandless, Peter (2011)
Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry. (/isis/citation/CBB001250977/) unapi


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