232 citations
related to Sun
232 citations
related to Sun as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Arianna Borrelli
From rays to waves and beyond: Light propagation in historical perspective.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-6).
Bernard Bigot
Big Science “for the benefit of all mankind”.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-6).
David Wootton
The Sun from Copernicus to Newton: from Heliocentrism to the Solar System.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-14).
Francisco Diego
Discovering our Sun: From the most important god to a mere dwarf star.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-10).
Andrzej Fludra
The Sun from space: Discoveries from space missions over the past fifty years.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-26).
Helge Kragh
The problem of solar energy generation: from Eddington to Bethe.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-5).
Philippa Browning
Unsolved questions and future prospects for understanding the Sun.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-10).
Francisco Diego
Celestial shadows: From terror and myth to science and beauty.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-8).
José Guillermo Sánchez León; Pablo Recio Sánchez
The bizarre history of the astrological vault “El Cielo de Salamanca”.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 31-46).
Kapoor R.c
The Kurtakoti Grant: The Earliest Known Indian Record of a Total Solar Eclipse.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 273-289).
M. E. Özel; E. Budding
Ibn Sina’s Observation of a Transit of Venus in 1032.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 46-52).
Julia Ellinghaus; Volker Remmert
Manipulating the Sun: Picturing Astronomical Miracles from the Bible in the Early Modern Era.
G. Wesley Lockwood; William Sheehan
The Solar Variations Project at Lowell Observatory. II: A 63-Year Quest to Measure the Sun’s Variability, and What Was Discovered Instead.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 769-815).
K. Rupa; S.K. Uma; Padmaja Venugopal; et al.
References to 'Parallel Phenomenon’ in Indian Astronomy and Inscriptions.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 400-404).
David Juste
The Alfonsine Tables mentioned in 1304.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 213-219).
Miguel Angel Granada Martínez
Jerónimo Muñoz and Juan Cedillo Díaz: the Sun as the ‘heart of the world’ in the debate on Copernicus.
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
(pp. 85-120).
Gail Higginbottom; A. César González-García; Benito Vilas-Estévez; et al.
Landscape, orientation and celestial phenomena on the ‘Coast of Death’ of NW Iberia.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 76-106).
James Lequeux
Henri Deslandres: From Molecular to Solar Physics.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 553-575).
Zdenek Sekanina
Enigmatic Nebulous Companions to the Great September Comet of 1882 as Soho-Like Kreutz Sungrazers Caught in Terminal Outburst.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 905-920).
Peter Foukal
Some Developments in Observational and Theoretical Solar Astronomy Since 1970.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 1059-1062).
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