1458 citations
related to Societies; institutions; academies
1458 citations
related to Societies; institutions; academies as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Peter Weingart
Trust or attention? Medialization of science revisited.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 288-296).
J.t.h. Connor
Medical History Memorialized: The Origins and First Decade of the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History / Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine (1979–94).
Canadian Journal of Health History/Revue canadienne d’histoire de la santé
(pp. 1-36).
David C. Clary
Foreign Membership of the Royal Society: Schrödinger and Heisenberg?.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 513-536).
Claude Debru; Wolfgang U. Eckart; Heiner Fangerau; et al.
European academies and the Great War: An inter-academy initiative, 2014–2021.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 593-602).
Ricardo Roque
The Latin stranger-science, or l’anthropologie among the Lusitanians.
History of Science
(pp. 69-95).
Benjamin Lomas
‘A man of intrigue’: Giles Rawlins, 1631?–1662.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 527-540).
Madison A. Krall; Melissa M. Parks; Emily Krebs; et al.
Chemistry in the mail: Stamps from around the globe and public science communication in the twentieth century.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 136-151).
Federica Favino
Borelli and the Ancient Triremes: Antiquarianism and Political Commitment.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 377-397).
Agnieszka Mostowska; Adam Rostański; Anna Mikuła
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne: W setną rocznicę powstania: 1922-2022 [Centenary of the Polish Botanical Society (1922–2022)].
Renée Raphael
Reading Experiment in 17th-Century Pisa: between University and Academy.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 401-430).
Agnes Arnold-Forster
The Social and Emotional World of Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Surgery: The James IV Association of Surgeons.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 71-101).
Massimiliano Malavasi
La «sobria e magistrale allusione alle scienze»: temi scientifici nella prima stagione delle Rime degli Arcadi.
In: Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870)
(pp. 75-108).
Carlo Enrico Roggia
Lingua scientifica e lingua poetica: la questione dell’uso poetico dei tecnicismi nel Settecento.
In: Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870)
(pp. 217-236).
David Armando
Scienza e poesia nelle Scuole Pie romane nella seconda metà del Settecento.
In: Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870)
(pp. 313-336).
Henri Leridon
Démographie de l’Académie des sciences (Institut de France) de 1666 à 2017, et perspectives.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 118-163).
Sarah M. Hamylton; Pat Hutchings; Carrie Sims; et al.
The Australian Coral Reef Society: The last 40 years of a century working with Australia’s coral reefs.
Historical Records of Australian Science
(pp. 1-18).
Elisabetta Appetecchi; Maurizio Campanelli; Alessandro Ottaviani; et al.
Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870).
Dietrich von Engelhardt
"Im freien Vortrag und freundschaftlicher Verbundenheit" Auftakt zum Jubiläumsjahr 2022 der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte ("In free lecture and cordial friendship" Kick-off of the 2022 anniversary year of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte).
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 20-24).
Maria Conforti; Maria Pia Donato
Vite degli Arcadi di scienza: una lettura ideologica e antropologica.
In: Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870)
(pp. 151-172).
Rosa Necchi
Ai margini d’Arcadia: versi sull’innesto del vaiolo.
In: Scienza e pesia scientifica in Arcadia (1690 - 1870)
(pp. 237-260).
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