320 citations
related to Public opinion
320 citations
related to Public opinion as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Francesco Luzzini
Going (more) Historical. On Environment, Science and Discourse.
In: Storia e Filosofia della Scienza: una nuova alleanza?
(pp. 175-182).
Francesco Filippi
Cinquecento anni di rabbia. Rivolte e mezzi di comunicazione da Gutenberg a Capitol Hill.
Shiri Noy; Timothy L. O’Brien
Learning Right from Wrong: A Cross-national Analysis of Education, National Scientific Investment, and the Morality of Science.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 832-860).
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi
‘Ugly and smelly or useful insect hunters?’ Perceptions of and attitudes towards bats in the turn of the twentieth-century public sphere in Barcelona.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 103-120).
Daniel Robert
Courteous capitalism : Public relations and the monopoly problem, 1900-1930.
Liv Grjebine
A Darwinian Murder: The Role of the Barré-Lebiez Affair in the Diffusion of Darwinism in Nineteenth-Century France.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 689-709).
Robert P. Crease
The Leak: Politics, Activists, and Loss of Trust at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Logan Brown
(July 2022)
Learning to Love Computers: Useful Cinema and the Mediation of American Computing, 1958–62.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 665-688).
Wyatt Dawson; Ashley Paintsil; James Bingaman; et al.
(February-June 2022)
CRISPR Images: Media Use and Public Opinion About Gene Editing.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 11-18).
Dietram A. Scheufele
Thirty years of science–society interfaces: What’s next?.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 297-304).
Henry Richard Maar III
Freeze!: The Grassroots Movement to Halt the Arms Race and End the Cold War.
Paolo Leoncini; Paolo Neri
La guerra dei vaccini. Cosa può insegnare la vicenda di Albert. B. Sabin.
Chen Zeng
A Relational Identity-Based Solution to Group Polarization: Can Priming Parental Identity Reduce the Partisan Gap in Attitudes Toward the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Science Communication
(pp. 687-718).
Ran Duan; K. J. Hepworth; Kerri Jean Ormerod; et al.
Promoting Concern for Climate Change: A Study of Wildfire Photographs Using Q Methodology.
Science Communication
(pp. 624-650).
Lee McIntyre
How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason.
James Bingaman; Paul R. Brewer; Ashley Paintsil; et al.
“Siri, Show Me Scary Images of AI”: Effects of Text-Based Frames and Visuals on Support for Artificial Intelligence.
Science Communication
(pp. 388-401).
Laura N. Rickard; Janet Z. Yang; Sixiao Liu; et al.
Fish Tales: How Narrative Modality, Emotion, and Transportation Influence Support for Sustainable Aquaculture.
Science Communication
(pp. 252-275).
P. Sol Hart; Lauren Feldman
The Benefit of Focusing on Air Pollution Instead of Climate Change: How Discussing Power Plant Emissions in the Context of Air Pollution, Rather than Climate Change, Influences Perceived Benefits, Costs, and Political Action for Policies to Limit Emissions.
Science Communication
(pp. 199-224).
Zongya Li
Role of Affective Mediators in the Effects of Media Use on Proenvironmental Behavior.
Science Communication
(pp. 64-90).
John C. Besley; Nicole M. Lee; Geah Pressgrove
Reassessing the Variables Used to Measure Public Perceptions of Scientists.
Science Communication
(pp. 3-32).
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