Concept ID: CBA000114076

Popular culture

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Between learned and popular culture: A world of syncretism and acculturation. Science in Context (pp. 491-495). (/isis/citation/CBB054498248/) unapi

Article Irina Podgorny; Daniel Gethmann (2020)
'Please, come in.' Being a charlatan, or the question of trustworthy knowledge. Science in Context (pp. 355-361). (/isis/citation/CBB012504782/) unapi

Article Alice Kim; Nicole C. Lautze (2020)
Early Hawaiians and volcanic heat. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 146-159). (/isis/citation/CBB473782794/) unapi

Article Paul M. Dennis (2020)
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Anticipating the Future: Leonardo’s Unpublished Anatomical and Mathematical Observations. In: Renaissance Futurities: Science, Art, Invention (pp. 83-99). (/isis/citation/CBB245679851/) unapi

Article Mona Baie (2020)
„The healthiest way of being ill“?. Medizinhistorisches Journal (pp. 338-365). (/isis/citation/CBB606148524/) unapi

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Article Francisco Pérez-Fernández; Francisco López-Muñoz (2019)
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Book Harriet Phillips (2019)
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Article Arthur Hénaff (2019)
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Article Franca C. Papparella (2019)
La storia della medicina attraverso la lettura degli ex voto anatomorfi. Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia (pp. 43-62). (/isis/citation/CBB144369472/) unapi


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