851 citations
related to Science and gender
851 citations
related to Science and gender as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Maria Rita Fadda
Lingua e scienza nel secolo delle cose: Il Newtonianismo per le dame di Francesco Algarotti.
Elisabetta Strickland
Emmy Noether: Vita e opere della donna che stupì Einstein (1882-1935).
Paola Govoni
Territori naturali, tecnologici e sociali. Aggiornare le mappe integrando vecchi ponti, STS e studi di genere.
In: Storia e Filosofia della Scienza: una nuova alleanza?
(pp. 439-470).
Nicola Williams
(October 2023)
Do Microscopes Have Politics? Gendering the Electron Microscope in Laboratory Biological Research.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 1159-1183).
Stephen Cave; Kanta Dihal; Eleanor Drage; et al.
Who makes AI? Gender and portrayals of AI scientists in popular film, 1920–2020.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 745-760).
Magdolna Hargittai
Meeting the Challenge: Top Women in Science.
Kate Zernike
The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science.
Saini, Angela
The Patriarchs: The Origins of Inequality.
Ginevra Sanvitale
"Science gave us nothing": women and technology in Italian feminism as a radical science movement (1970s-1980s).
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 489-516).
Tatiana Kasperski; Paul Josephson
Women, Reactors, and Nuclear Weapons: From Revolutionary Liberation to the "Miss Atom" Pageant in (Post-)Soviet Russia.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 791-822).
Mela Albana
Le medicae nel mondo romano.
Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina
(pp. 1-28).
Camilo López-Aguirre; Diana Farías
The mirage of scientific productivity and how women are left behind: The Colombian case.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Sally Gregory Kohlstedt
Collaboration, Gender, and Leadership at the Minnesota Seaside Station, 1901–1907.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 751-790).
Jennifer Coggon
Sperm-Force: Naturphilosophie and George Newport’s Quest to Discover the Secret of Fertilization.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 615-687).
Emily S. Hutcheson
A “Central Bureau of Feminine Algology:” Algae, Mutualism, and Gendered Ecological Perspectives, 1880–1910.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 791-825).
Natalia Gándara-Chacana
Gender, Place and the Validation of Knowledge: The Transnational Debate about the Effects of the Chilean Earthquakes of 1822 and 1835 on Land Elevation.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(pp. 386-409).
Rebecca L. Jackson; Merlin Wassermann
When standard measurement meets messy genitalia: Lessons from 20th century phallometry and cervimetry.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 37-49).
Anna Maerker; Elena Serrano; Simon Werrett
Enlightened female networks: gendered ways of producing knowledge (1720–1830).
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 225-234).
Elena Serrano; Joris Mercelis; Annette Lykknes
'I am not a Lady, I am a Scientist.': Chemistry, Women, and Gender in the Enlightenment and the Era of Professional Science.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 203-220).
Elena Serrano
Patriotic Women: Chemistry and Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish World.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 243-261).
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