Concept ID: CBA000114047


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Edward Guimont; Megan Baumhammer (2022)
Public history, personal pseudohistory, and VirtHSTM. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (p. 100835). (/isis/citation/CBB608016425/) unapi

Article Eva Miller (2021)
The dinosaur from 600 BCE! Interpreting the dragon of Babylon, from archaeological excavation into fringe science. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (p. 100798). (/isis/citation/CBB130124576/) unapi

Book Violaine Giacomotto-Charra; Sylvie Nony (2021)
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Book Michael D. Gordin (2021)
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Article Joel Michell (2020)
The Fashionable Scientific Fraud: Collingwood’s Critique of Psychometrics. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 3-21). (/isis/citation/CBB690893535/) unapi

Book Paul-André Rosental (2019)
A Human Garden: French Policy and the Transatlantic Legacies of Eugenic Experimentation. (/isis/citation/CBB340383557/) unapi

Article Stanley Finger (2019)
Mark Twain's life-long fascination with phrenology. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 99-121). (/isis/citation/CBB466857192/) unapi

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Demarcating Fringe Science for Policy. Perspectives on Science (pp. 411-438). (/isis/citation/CBB182195223/) unapi

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