542 citations
related to Physiology
542 citations
related to Physiology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Mark R. Dennis
Weaving the rainbow: Properties of classical light.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-12).
Diederik F. Janssen
Developing Sex: From Recremental Semen to Developmental Endocrinology.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 113-151).
Berenice Cavarra; Marco Cilione
Giorgio Valla and the Theory of Perception Between Physiology and Natural Philosophy.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
(pp. 91-106).
Gianfranco Mormino
Falla fisiologia all'etica: un'ipotesi sul comportamento animale.
In: <i>Sine Ira et Studio:</i> Metodo e impegno civile per una razionalità illuministica. Scritti offerti a Dario Generali
(pp. 481-489).
Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano
Jacob’s Understanding of Reproduction: Challenges from an Organismic Collaborative Framework.
(pp. 535-553).
Jonathan D Riddle
Physiology, Vitalism, and the Contest for Body and Soul in the Antebellum United States.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 227-248).
Antonio Clericuzio
Thomas Willis' iatrochemistry and the activity of matter.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 717-732).
Allan Lyngs
The Professors’ Professor: The American Students of August Krogh.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 171-190).
Gabriel Finkelstein
Paris or Berlin? Claude Bernard’s rivalry with Emil du Bois-Reymond.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Aparna Singh; Sonam Agrawal; Kishor Patwardhan; et al.
Overlooked contributions of Ayurveda literature to the history of physiology of digestion and metabolism.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 13).
Laurent Loison
Heredity as a problem. On Claude Bernard’s failed attempts at resolution.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Martin Battran
Jean-Baptiste De Lamarck 1744-1829 Und 150 Jahre Lamarckismus: Zur Geschichte Entwicklungsphysiologisch Orientierten Evolutionsdenkens.
Philippe Huneman
Death: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Biology.
Mark Paterson
Fatigue as a physiological problem: Experiments in the observation and quantification of movement and industrial labor, 1873-1947.
History and Technology
(pp. 65-90).
Tommaso Ghezzani
Medicamenti della memoria e medicamenti dell’anima: ferita amorosa e carnalità tra Ficino e Patrizi.
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
(pp. 465-480).
Anita Guerrini; Anna Marie Roos; Gideon Manning
Galileo Among the Giants.
In: Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold
(pp. 157-180).
Mary Taylor Mann
Vascular Aesthetics: Blood and British Poetry in the Long Nineteenth Century.
Fabrizio Baldassarri
From the Analogy with Animals to the Anatomy of Plants in Medicine: The Physiology of Living Processes from Harvey to Malpighi.
In: Plants in 16th and 17th Century: Botany between Medicine and Science
(pp. 121-144).
Teresa Hollerbach
Sanctorius Sanctorius and the Origins of Health Measurement.
Yunus Anıl Yılmaz
Ernst Brücke and Sigmund Freud: Physiological roots of psychoanalysis.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(pp. 568-591).
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