145 citations
related to Thermodynamics
145 citations
related to Thermodynamics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Carl E. Moore; Alfred von Smolinski; Albert Claus; et al.
On the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Contribution of Julius Robert Mayer:new Translation and Consideration of a Rejected Manuscript.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 122).
G. Lebon; D. Jou
Early History of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics (1953–1983): An Exploration Beyond Local Equilibrium and Classical Transport Theory.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 205-240).
Neswald, Elizabeth
Saving the World in the Age of Entropy: John Tyndall and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In: The Age of Scientific Naturalism: Tyndall and His Contemporaries
(pp. 15-32).
William B. Jensen
Kinetic Versus Thermodynamic Control: Some Historical Landmarks.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 107).
Belfer, Israel
Informing Physics: Jacob Bekenstein and the Informational Turn in Theoretical Physics.
Physics in Perspective
(pp. 69-97).
Joas, Christian; Waysand, Georges
Superconductivity: A Challenge to Modern Physics.
In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
(pp. 83-92).
Capecchi, Danilo
The Problem of the Motion of Bodies: A Historical View of the Development of Classical Mechanics.
Marques, Carlos Alberto; Machado, Adélio A. S. C.
Environmental Sustainability: Implications and Limitations to Green Chemistry.
Foundations of Chemistry
(pp. 125-147).
Essay Review
Needham, Paul
Unearthing a Buried Memory.
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
Badia, Lynn Ann
A Universe of Forces: Energy in Early Twentieth-Century Theory and Literature.
William B. Jensen
George Downing Liveing and the Origins of Chemical Thermodynamics in Great Britain.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 37).
Carr, Matthew A
Thermodynamic Analysis of a Newcomen Steam Engine.
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
(pp. 187-208).
Alexander, Sarah C.
The Residuum, Victorian Naturalism, and the Entropic Narrative.
Nineteenth-Century Contexts
(p. 99).
van Strien, Marij
The Nineteenth Century Conflict between Mechanism and Irreversibility.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
(pp. 191-205).
Ackert, Lloyd
Sergei Vinogradskii and the Cycle of Life: From the Thermodynamics of Life to Ecological Microbiology, 1850--1950.
Gillispie, Charles Coulston; Pisano, Raffaele
Lazare and Sadi Carnot: A Scientific and Filial Relationship.
Kuskey, Jessica
Our Mutual Engine: The Economics of Victorian Thermodynamics.
Victorian Literature and Culture
(pp. 75-89).
Badino, Massimiliano; Friedrich, Bretislav
Much Polyphony but Little Harmony: Otto Sackur's Groping for a Quantum Theory of Gases.
Physics in Perspective
(p. 295).
Bordoni, Stafano
Routes Towards an Abstract Thermodynamics in the Late Nineteenth Century.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 617).
Marsden, Ben
Ranking Rankine: W. J. M. Rankine (1820--72) and the Making of “Engineering Science” Revisited.
History of Science
(pp. 434-456).
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