Concept ID: CBA000114030

Philosophy of technology

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Machines in the Garden. In: Renaissance Futurities: Science, Art, Invention (pp. 19-40). (/isis/citation/CBB064144062/) unapi

Article Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (2020)
Overcoming Substantivism-Determinism with Pragmatist Philosophy of Technology. Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (pp. 144-155). (/isis/citation/CBB967974436/) unapi

Article Juhani Pietarinen (2020)
Heidegger’s Black Notebooks (1931–1941): Ponderings on Technology, National Socialism and Judaism. Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (pp. 156-164). (/isis/citation/CBB235941685/) unapi

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Article Michael Kelly (2019)
On Dying for and Dying from Education: A Polemic Drawn from Plato’s Apology. Humanities and Technology Review (pp. 1-128). (/isis/citation/CBB687707399/) unapi

Chapter Ruphy, Stéphanie (2019)
Public Participation in the Setting of Research and Innovation Agenda: Virtues and Challenges from a Philosophical Perspective. In: Innovation beyond technology : Science for society and interdisciplinary approaches (pp. 243-263). (/isis/citation/CBB395602715/) unapi

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Article Michael Scully (2018)
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