311 citations
related to Ottoman Empire
311 citations
related to Ottoman Empire as a subject or category
Country Code TR,SY,EG,IL,PS,LB,GR,AL,IQ,
Geographic entity type historicalDivision
Feza Günergun; Gaye Danışan; Atilla Polat
Measuring Altitudes with an Alla Franca Instrument: The Ottoman Engineer Feyzi’s Treatise on the Portable Sextant.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 55-79).
Meltem Kocaman
Scientific Instrument Retailers in Istanbul in the Nineteenth Century, and Verdoux’s Optical Shop.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 240-256).
Kaya Şahi̇n
To Observe, to Record, to Depict: Memorializing the Circumcision of an Ottoman Prince, C. 1582–C. 1600.
History and Theory
(pp. 43-67).
Benjamin Landais
Enregistrer l’ethnicité au XVIIIe siècle: l’identification des migrants ottomans à la frontière habsbourgeoise [Recording the Ethnicity in the 18th century: The Identification of Ottoman Migrants at the Habsburg Border].
Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine
(pp. 89-120).
Mahdi Abdeljaouad; Pierre Ageron
Eastern and Western Instruments in Osman Efendi’s Hadiyyat al-Muhtadī (The Gift of the Convert), 1779.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 16-38).
Hasan Umut; David Pantalony
From the Ottoman Empire to Canada: George Petrovic’s Metrological Instruments in the Canada Science and Technology Museum.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 187-205).
Atilla Polat
Treatises on Pergar-ı Nisbe (the Sector) in Manuscript Collections in Turkey.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 39-54).
Bernd Scholze
The Magic Lantern as an Ambassador between Cultures and Religions: Imrich Emanuel Roth and the First Dissolving View Shows in the Ottoman Empire, 1845–1846.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 229-239).
Gaye Danışan
A Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Compendium of Astronomical Instruments: Seydi Ali’s Mirʾat-ı Kâinat.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 1-15).
Panagiotis Lazos; George N. Vlahakis; Constantine Skordoulis
Instruments and Laboratories in the Schools of the Greek Community of Istanbul, 1850–1960.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 168-186).
Alexander Schweig
Tracking Technology and Society along the Ottoman Anatolian Railroad, 1890–1914.
Hasan Umut
Theoretical Astronomy in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: Ali Al-Qushji's Al-Risala Al-Fathiyya.
Fatih Artvinli
‘Pinel of Istanbul’: Dr Luigi Mongeri (1815–82) and the birth of modern psychiatry in the Ottoman Empire.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 424-437).
Ines Aščerić-Todd; Sabina Knees; Janet Starkey; et al.
Travellers in Ottoman Lands: The Botanical Legacy.
Andreas Feldtkeller; Uta Zeuge-Buberl
Networks of Knowledge: Epistemic Entanglement Initiated by American Protestant Missionary Presence in Nineteenth-century Syria.
Yuval Ben-Bassat; Yossi Ben-Artzi
Ottoman Maps of the Empire’s Arab Provinces, 1850s to the First World War.
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
(pp. 199-211).
Friedrich Hild; Christian Gastgeber; Claudia Rapp
Karien in Portulanen und Portulankarten: Von der Antike bis in die frühosmanische Zeit.
Daniel A. Stolz
The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam, Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt.
Mirela Altić
Johannes Janssonius’s Map of Dalmatia and the Ottoman–Venetian Borderland (1650).
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
(pp. 65-78).
Robert Dankoff; Nuran Tezcan; Michael D. Sheridan
Ottoman Explorations of the Nile. Evliya Çelebi's "Matchless Pearl these Reports of the Nile" Map and His Accounts of the Nile and the Horn of Africa in "The Book of Travels".
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