Concept ID: CBA000114009


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Mauricio Nieto Olarte (2019)
Una historia de la verdad en occidente : ciencia, arte, religión y política en la conformación de la cosmología moderna (A history of truth in the West : science, art, religion and politics in the shaping of modern cosmology). (/isis/citation/CBB005695918/) unapi

Article Michael Wintroub (2019)
The Pharmakon of ‘If’: Working with Steven Shapin's A Social History of Truth. British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 487-514). (/isis/citation/CBB323045277/) unapi

Book Stuart Sim (2019)
Post-Truth, Scepticism & Power. (/isis/citation/CBB034006765/) unapi

Book Leonardo Ambasciano; D. Jason Slone; Donald Wiebe; et al. (2018)
An Unnatural History of Religions: Academia, Post-truth and the Quest for Scientific Knowledge. (/isis/citation/CBB840908594/) unapi

Article Josie Gill (2018)
Decolonizing Literature and Science. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (pp. 283-288). (/isis/citation/CBB161513314/) unapi

Article Katja Jylkka (2018)
"Witness the Plesiosaurus": Geological Traces and the Loch Ness Monster Narrative. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (pp. 207-234). (/isis/citation/CBB667053444/) unapi

Article Evelyn Fox Keller (2017)
Climate science, truth, and democracy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 106-122). (/isis/citation/CBB787498022/) unapi

Book Wayne Viney; William Douglas Woody (2017)
Neglected Perspectives on Science and Religion: Historical and Contemporary Relations. (/isis/citation/CBB781037930/) unapi

Article Stefan Brandt (2017)
Sellars and Quine on Empiricism and Conceptual Truth. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 108-132). (/isis/citation/CBB983413994/) unapi

Book Geoffrey Belknap (2016)
From a Photograph: Authenticity, Science and the Periodical Press, 1870-1890. (/isis/citation/CBB118343256/) unapi

Article Stefano Gattei (2016)
Feyerabend, Truth, and Relativisms: Footnotes to the Italian Debate. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 87-95). (/isis/citation/CBB445973609/) unapi

Article Sylvie Taussig (2016)
Vrai et faux Soleil(s) chez Gassendi. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 245-258). (/isis/citation/CBB809357774/) unapi

Article Philip Schofield (2015)
Jeremy Bentham on Utility and Truth. History of European Ideas (pp. 1125-1142). (/isis/citation/CBB041532650/) unapi

Book Lee McIntyre (2015)
Respecting Truth: Willful Ignorance in the Internet Age. (/isis/citation/CBB216166370/) unapi

Article Graf Rüdiger (2015)
Wahrheit im Dschungel von Literatur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Upton Sinclairs „The Jungle“ und die Reform der Lebensmittelkontrolle in den USA der „Progressive Era“. Historische Zeitschrift (p. 63). (/isis/citation/CBB720897603/) unapi

Chapter Ariane Dröscher (2015)
Microscopic truths: the multiple realities of the Golgi apparatus. In: L'esperimento della storia. Saggi in onore di Renato G. Mazzolini (pp. 101-111). (/isis/citation/CBB973703234/) unapi

Article Martin, John N. (2013)
Distributive Terms, Truth, and the Port Royal Logic. History and Philosophy of Logic (pp. 133-154). (/isis/citation/CBB001212144/) unapi

Article Ivic, Sanja (2013)
The Truth as a Non-Reference: Realist and Antirealist Conception of Reference. Acta Philosophica (p. 99). (/isis/citation/CBB001253031/) unapi

Article Corkuma, Phil (2012)
Aristotle on Mathematical Truth. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 1057-1076). (/isis/citation/CBB001211015/) unapi

Article Fitelson, Branden (2012)
Accuracy, Language Dependence, and Joyce's Argument for Probabilism. Philosophy of Science (p. 167). (/isis/citation/CBB001210578/) unapi


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