291 citations
related to Nationalism
291 citations
related to Nationalism as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Eisenberg, Ziv
Red All Over: Protecting the American Body Politic from Infection in the Early Twentieth Century.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(pp. 106-116).
Mizuno, Hiromi
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 347-354).
Ash, Mitchell G.; Surman, Jan
The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848--1918.
Sawai, Minoru
Kindai Nihon no kenkyu kaihatsu taisei.
Saha, Samir Kumar; Ghosh, Sangita
Commissions and Committees on Technical Education in Independent India: An Appraisal.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(pp. 109-138).
Li, Guannan
The Synthesis School and the Founding of “Orthodox” and “Authentic” Sociology in Nationalist China: Sun Benwen's Sociological Thinking and Practice.
In: Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth-Century China: Between Universalism and Indigenism
(p. 63).
Naficy, Hamid
A Social History of Iranian Cinema: Volume 4, The Globalizing Era, 1984-2010.
Huang, Tao; Liu, Fang
An Exploration on the Common Features of the Winners of the State Science and Technology Award.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature
(pp. 72-80).
Quintero, Camilo
Trading in Birds: Imperial Power, National Pride, and the Place of Nature in U.S.---Colombia Relations.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 421).
Sharma, Jayeeta
Empire's Garden: Assam and the Making of India.
Majumdar, Sisir K.
Indian Renaissance: The Making of Modern India.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(p. 131).
Article Mathematicians and the Nation in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century as Reflected in the Luigi Cremona Correspondence (2011). Science in Context (p. 43). (/isis/citation/CBB001034620/)
Fornasiero, Jean; West-Sooby, John
Naming and Shaming: The Baudin Expedition and the Politics of Nomenclature in the Terres Australes.
In: European Perceptions of Terra Australis
(p. 165).
Davis, Diana K; Burke, Edmund, III
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa.
Francíková, Dáša
“A Matter of Physical Health and Strength”: Disciplining the Female Body and Reproducing the Czech National Community in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.
Journal of Women's History
(p. 59).
Etherington, Norman
Recovering the Imperial Context of the Mid-Victorian Exploration of Northern Australia, 1855--57.
In: European Perceptions of Terra Australis
(p. 233).
Lam, Tong
A Passion for Facts: Social Surveys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-State, 1900--1949.
Casado de Otaola, Santos
Nacionalizar la naturaleza. Ciencias naturales y discursos nacionalistas en la España del regeneracionismo.
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment
(p. 9).
Carlson, Per; Angelis, Alessandro De
Nationalism and Internationalism in Science: The Case of the Discovery of Cosmic Rays.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 309).
Heuring, Darcy Hughes
Health and the Politics of “Improvement” in British Colonial Jamaica, 1914--1945.
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