190 citations
related to Acoustics
190 citations
related to Acoustics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Boyé, Anne
Sur l'Essai d'une nouvelle théorie de la musique de L. Euler.
Sciences et Techniques en Perspective
(pp. 93-145).
Aschoff, Volker
Über die Beschreibung des Echos durch Aristoteles: Versuch einer Ergänzung des überlieferten Textes sowie drei Anhänge zur Geschichte des Echos in der Antike und im Mittelalter.
Article “Mysteries of the acoustic”: Architectural acoustics in America, 1800-1932 (1993). Dissertation Abstracts International. A (p. 2521). (/isis/citation/CBB000065777/)
Bailhache, Patrice
Cordes vibrantes et consonances chez Beeckman, Mersenne et Galilée.
Sciences et Techniques en Perspective
(pp. 73-91).
Langenmaier, Arnica-Verena
Der Klang der Dinge: Akustik---eine Aufgabe des Design; [Referate des vom Design Zentrum München veranstalteten Symposiums Der Klang der Dinge: Akustik---eine Aufgabe des Designs vom 28. und 29. November 1991 in München].
Bailhache, Patrice
Une étape dans l'établissement de la loi des cordes vibrantes: Beeckman et Mersenne.
In: Les procédures de preuve sous le regard de l'historien des sciences et des techniques: Actes du colloque de Lille, 11-13 avril 1991
(p. 113).
Greenslade, Thomas B., Jr.
The acoustical apparatus of Rudolph Koenig.
Physics Teacher
(pp. 518-524).
Bailhache, Patrice
Isaac Beeckman a-t-il démontré la loi des cordes vibrantes selon laquelle la fréquence est inversement proportionnelle à la longueur?.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 337-344).
Maltese, Giulio
Taylor and John Bernoulli on the vibrating string: Aspects of the dynamics of continuous systems at the beginning of the 18th century.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 703-744).
Thompson, Emily A.
“Mysteries of the acoustic”: Architectural acoustics in America, 1800-1932.
Whitaker, Robert J.
A note on the Blackburn pendulum.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 330-333).
Ullmann, Dieter
Geschichte der Raumakustik im evangelischen Kirchenbau des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 241-249).
Bell, James F.
The late-20th century resolution of a mid-19th century dilemma generated by the 18th-century experiments of Ernst Chladni on the dynamics of rods.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 251-273).
Gozza, Paolo
A mechanical account of hearing from the “Galilean school”: Pietro Mengoli's Speculationi di musica of 1670.
In: The second sense: Studies in hearing and musical judgement from antiquity to the 17th century
(p. 115).
Franssen, Maarten
The ocular harpsichord of Louis-Bertrand Castel: The science and aesthetics of an 18th-century cause célèbre.
Tractrix: Yearbook for the History of Science, Medicine, Technology, and Mathematics
(pp. 15-77).
Maley, V. Carlton, Jr.
The theory of beats and combination tones, 1700-1863.
Eargle, John
Music, sound, and technology.
Gozza, Paolo
Atomi, “spiritus”, suoni: Le Speculationi di musica (1670) del “galileiano” Pietro Mengoli.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 75-98).
Carazza, B.; Guidetti, G.P.
Helmholtz, la “legge di Ohm” e il problema dell'armonia.
Giornale di Fisica
(pp. 207-214).
Ullmann, Dieter
Die Entwicklung der Raumakustik im 19. Jahrhundert.
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 208-215).
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