267 citations
related to Metallurgy
267 citations
related to Metallurgy as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Eaton, Ethel Romfh
Studies in early metallurgy.
Halleux, Robert
Le problème des métaux dans la science antique.
Randolph, Denys
From rapiers to razor blades: The development of the light metals industry.
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts
(pp. 338-355).
Chang, Tzu-Kao; Yang, Ken
Ts'ung Hou-ma t'ao fan ho Hsing-lung t'ieh fan k'an Chan-kuo shih-tai ti yeh chu chi-shu. (Warring States period smelting and casting techniques as seen in the Hou-ma ceramic molds and the Hsing-lung iron molds.).
(p. 65).
Thesis Smith, C.A. The history of corrosion technology (/isis/citation/CBB000017504/)
Thesis Dransfield, A. Applied science in a university context: Metallurgy at Manchester (/isis/citation/CBB000039346/)
Thesis Williams, G. F. The origins of industrial electrometallurgy and its development to 1855, with special reference to England (/isis/citation/CBB000015311/)
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