109 citations
related to Nurse midwives
109 citations
related to Nurse midwives as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Johnson, Tina Phillips
Yang Chongrui and the First National Midwifery School: Childbirth Reform in Early Twentieth-Century China.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
(p. 280).
Dale, Pamela; Fisher, Kate
Implementing the 1902 Midwives Act: Assessing Problems, Developing Services and Creating a New Role for a Variety of Female Practitioners.
Women's History Review
(p. 427).
Jenson, Niklas Thode
“For the Benefit of the Planters and the Benefit of Mankind”: The Struggle to Control Midwives and Obstetrics on St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1800--1848.
In: Health and Medicine in the Circum-Caribbean, 1800--1968.
Woods, Robert
Death before Birth: Fetal Health and Mortality in Historical Perspective.
Caumel-Dauphin, Francine
Retour à l'autonomie de la sage-femme.
Histoire des Sciences Médicales
(p. 49).
Barreto, Maria Renilda Nery
Assistência ao nascimento na Bahia oitocentista.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(p. 901).
Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth; Steinke, Hubert
Jakob Ruf's Trostbüchlein and De Conceptu (Zurich 1554): A Textbook for Midwives and Physicians.
In: Scholarly Knowledge: Textbooks in Early Modern Europe
(p. 307).
Goan, Melanie Beals
Mary Breckinridge: The Frontier Nursing Service and Rural Health in Appalachia.
Woods, Robert
Dr. Smellie's Prescriptions for Pregnant Women.
Medical History
(p. 257).
Lieske, Pam
Eighteenth-Century British Midwifery.
Woods, Robert
Medical and Demographic History: Inseparable?.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 483).
Schlumbohm, Jürgen
The Practice of Practical Education: Male Students and Female Apprentices in the Lying-In Hospital of Göttingen University, 1792--1815.
Medical History
(p. 3).
Tol, Deanne van
Mothers, Babies, and the Colonial State: The Introduction of Maternal and Infant Welfare Services in Nigeria, 1925--1945.
Spontaneous Generations
(p. 110).
Labouvie, Eva
Alltagswissen - Körperwissen - Praxiswissen - Fachwissen. Zur Aneignung, Bewertungs- und Orientierungslogik von Wissenskulturen.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(p. 119).
Canalejo, Carmen González
Cuidados y bienestar: el trabajo sanitario femenino en respuesta a la “cuestión social” (1857--1936).
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(p. 211).
Woods, Robert
Lying-in and Laying-out: Fetal Health and the Contribution of Midwifery.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(p. 730).
Brouwere, Vincent De
The Comparative Study of Maternal Mortality over Time: The Role of the Professionalisation of Childbirth.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 541).
Flinders, Matthew; Beardsley, Martyn; Bennett, N. H.
“Gratefull to Providence”: The Diary and Accounts of Matthew Flinders: Surgeon, Apothecary and Man-Midwife, Vol. I: 1775-1784.
King, Helen
Midwifery, Obstetrics and the Rise of Gynaecology: The Uses of a Sixteenth-Century Compendium.
Robles, Laura Catalina Díaz; Sandoval, Luciano Oropeza
Las parteras de Guadalajara (México) en el siglo XIX: el despojo de su arte.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(p. 237).
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