Concept ID: CBA000113954

Longitude and latitude

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Un nouvel instrument pour observer les hauteurs, inventé par M. Grandjean de Fouchy. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (p. 63). (/isis/citation/CBB000954398/) unapi

Article Steele, J. M. (2007)
Celestial Measurement in Babylonian Astronomy. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (p. 293). (/isis/citation/CBB000772410/) unapi

Article Qu, Anjing; Yuan, Min; Tang, Quan (2007)
Astronomical Meaning of Algorithms by Ancient Chinese Mathematical Astronomers. Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences) (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB000933461/) unapi

Article Taylor, J. C.; Wolfendale, A. W. (2007)
John Harrison: Clockmaker and Copley Medalist. A Public Memorial at Last. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (p. 53). (/isis/citation/CBB000760050/) unapi

Article Mercier, Raymond (2007)
The Standard Scheme of the Moon and Its Mean Quantities. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (p. 255). (/isis/citation/CBB000771560/) unapi

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Chapter King, David A. (2007)
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Chapter Sandman, Alison (2007)
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Article Qu, Anjing (2006)
Planetary Theory in Ancient China. Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences) (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB000630897/) unapi

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Chapter Mahoney, Michael S. (2005)
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Article Shcheglov, Dmitriy A. (2005)
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Article Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S. (2003)
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Morse's Register and the American Method. Rittenhouse: Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise (p. 65). (/isis/citation/CBB000650111/) unapi

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