119 citations
related to Longitude and latitude
119 citations
related to Longitude and latitude as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Mozaffari, S. Mohammad
Limitations of Methods: The Accuracy of the Values Measured for the Earth's/Sun's Orbital Elements in the Middle East, A.D. 800--1500, Part 1.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 313-336).
Marx, Christian
Investigations of the coordinates in Ptolemy's Geographike Hyphegesis Book 8.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 531-555).
Junqueira, Mary Anne
Os objetivos da circunavegação da U.S. Exploring Expedition (1838--1842): longitude, mapeamento náutico e instituição das coordenadas geográficas modernas.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 27-48).
Davids, Karel
In the Shadow of Jesuits: Isaac Vossius and Geography.
In: Isaac Vossius (1618-1689), between Science and Scholarship
(p. 189).
Meskens, Ad
Een zeesfeer van Michiel Coignet?.
Studium: Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitgeschiedenis
(pp. 53-56).
Schiavon, Martina
The English Board of Longitude (1714--1828) ou comment le gouvernement anglais a promu les sciences.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 177-224).
Wu, Yan
International Longitude Determination under the Territorial Expansion of Modern European Science: Focused on the Measurements in China.
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
(pp. 417-434).
Barrett, Katy
“Explaining” Themselves: The Barrington Papers, the Board of Longitude, and the Fate of John Harrison.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(p. 145).
Jones, Alexander
Ancient Rejection and Adoption of Ptolemy's Frame of Reference for Longitudes.
In: Ptolemy in Perspective: Use and Criticism of His Work from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century
(p. 11).
Rieznik, Marina
El Bureau des Longitudes y la fundación del Observatorio de La Plata en la Argentina (1882--1890).
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 679-703).
Boistel, Guy
Pierre Bouguer, commissaire pour la marine et expert pour les longitudes: Un opposant au développement de l'horlogerie de marine au XVIIIe siècle.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(p. 121).
Pérez Rodríguez, Uxío; Álvarez Lires, María; Serrallé Marzoa, José Francisco
Frei Martín Sarmiento e a determinación da lonxitude xeográfica en alta mar.
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(p. 89).
Portuondo, María M.
Lunar Eclipses, Longitude and the New World.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(p. 249).
Stachurski, Richard
Longitude by Wire: Finding North America.
Hird, Jonathan; Betts, Jonathan; Pratt, Derek
The Diamond Pallets of John Harrison's Fourth Longitude Timekeeper---H4.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(p. 171).
Amson, John Ceres
Gregory's Meridian Line of 1673--74: A St. Andrews Detective Story.
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
(p. 58).
Ishibashi, Yuto
Science and the State in the Eighteenth Century Britain: Institutional Characters of the Board of Longitude.
科学史研究 Kagakusi Kenkyu (History of Science)
(p. 85).
Martin, Jean-Pierre; McConnell, Anita
Joining the Observatories of Paris and Greenwich.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(p. 355).
Duke, Dennis W.
Mean Motions and Longitudes in Indian Astronomy.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(p. 489).
Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R.
Navigation and Newsprint: Advertising Longitude Schemes in the Public Sphere, ca. 1715.
Science in Context
(p. 351).
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