Concept ID: CBA000113954

Longitude and latitude

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Dmitry A. Shcheglov (2016)
The Error in Longitude in Ptolemy’s Geography Revisited. Cartographic Journal (pp. 3-14). (/isis/citation/CBB685153095/) unapi

Article Dmitry A. Shcheglov (2016)
The Error in Longitude in Ptolemy’s Geography Revisited. Cartographic Journal (pp. 3-14). (/isis/citation/CBB609543899/) unapi

Article Jennifer Clark (June 2015)
‘Ships, Clocks and Stars: the Quest for Longitude ': National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. The Journal of Transport History (pp. 124-126). (/isis/citation/CBB148168015/) unapi

Article Magda Stavinschi (2015)
Boscovich on the Romanian Territories. Almagest (pp. 22-31). (/isis/citation/CBB436533257/) unapi

Article Gregory Lynall (2014)
‘Scriblerian Projections of Longitude: Arbuthnot, Swift, and the Agency of Satire in a Culture of Invention. Journal of Literature and Science (pp. 1-18). (/isis/citation/CBB346630040/) unapi

Book Richard Dunn; Rebekah Higgitt; National Maritime Museum (2014)
Finding Longitude: How Ships, Clocks and Stars Helped Solve the Longitude Problem. (/isis/citation/CBB757350970/) unapi

Article Guy Boistel (2014)
Un "brévaire" pour les astronomes et les marins : la Connaisance des temps et les calculateurs de Bureau des longitudes, de Lalande à Loewy (1772-1907). Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 463-480). (/isis/citation/CBB499642987/) unapi

Article Schaffer, Simon (2014)
Swedenborg's Lunars. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (p. 2). (/isis/citation/CBB001320980/) unapi

Article Kershaw, Michael (2014)
“A thorn in the side of European geodesy”: Measuring Paris-Greenwich Longitude by Electric Telegraph. British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 637-660). (/isis/citation/CBB001202239/) unapi

Article Waring, Sophie (2014)
The Board of Longitude and the Funding of Scientific Work: Negotiating Authority and Expertise in the Early Nineteenth Century. Journal for Maritime Research: Britian, the Sea and Global History (pp. 55-71). (/isis/citation/CBB001421386/) unapi

Article Hilster, Nicolàs de (2014)
Observational Methods and Procedures for the Mariner's Astrolabe. Mariner's Mirror (pp. 261-281). (/isis/citation/CBB001422526/) unapi

Article Schrimpf, Andreas (2014)
The First Measurement of the Deflection of the Vertical in Longitude. European Physical Journal H (p. 389). (/isis/citation/CBB001451855/) unapi

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Maskelyne: Astronomer Royal. (/isis/citation/CBB001422549/) unapi

Article Liu, Yan; Zhang, Yang (2014)
A Textual Research about the Deviation of the Scribed Scale Lines on the Horizontal Sundial Attached to the Abridged Armilla Built during the Ming Dynasty and the Correction for the Longitude Difference. Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences) (pp. 285-297). (/isis/citation/CBB198963506/) unapi

Article Schrimpf, Andreas (2014)
An International Campaign of the 19th Century to Determine the Solar Parallax. European Physical Journal H (pp. 225-244). (/isis/citation/CBB001421681/) unapi

Article Baker, Alexi (2014)
The Digitization of the Board of Longitude Archives. Mariner's Mirror (pp. 73-74). (/isis/citation/CBB001422513/) unapi

Article Schrimpf, Andreas (2014)
The First Measurement of the Deflection of the Vertical in Longitude. European Physical Journal H (pp. 389-402). (/isis/citation/CBB001421698/) unapi

Article Mozaffari, S. Mohammad (2013)
Bīrūnī's Four-point Method for Determining the Eccentricity and the Direction of the Apsidal Lines of the Superior Planets. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 207-211). (/isis/citation/CBB001200858/) unapi

Book McConnell, Anita; Martin, Jean-Pierre; Débarbat, Suzanne (2013)
Méridien, méridienne: textes, enjeux, débats et passions autour des méridiens de Paris et de Greenwich (1783--2000). (/isis/citation/CBB001214469/) unapi

Article Baack, Lawrence J. (2013)
“A Practical Skill That Was without Equal”: Carsten Niebuhr and the Navigational Astronomy of the Arabian Journey, 1761--7. Mariner's Mirror (pp. 138-152). (/isis/citation/CBB001421494/) unapi


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