Concept ID: CBA000113954

Longitude and latitude

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Richard de Grijs (2020)
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Article Richard de Grijs (2020)
A (not so) brief history of lunar distances: lunar longitude determination at sea before the chronometer. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 495-522). (/isis/citation/CBB190636570/) unapi

Article Gonzalo L. Recio (2020)
A Marvellous Connection: Longomontanus’ Battle With the Latitudes of Mars. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 383-400). (/isis/citation/CBB761807945/) unapi

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Article Gregory McIntosh (2020)
Conventional Wisdom and the Date of the Kunstmann I Chart. Cartographica (pp. 85-98). (/isis/citation/CBB373629190/) unapi

Article Christián C. Carman (2020)
Longomontanus’ Model for the Longitudes of Mars. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 162-186). (/isis/citation/CBB865701793/) unapi

Article Wayne Orchiston; William Wells (2020)
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Article Richard de Grijs (2020)
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Notes on Hebrew Lists of Geographical Coordinates of Cities. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 265-271). (/isis/citation/CBB861017101/) unapi

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Comparison Between Two Inca Sites, Located North and South of the Tropic of Capricorn. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (pp. 123-129). (/isis/citation/CBB290380059/) unapi

Article Rebekah Higgitt (2017)
Challenging Tropes: Genius, Heroic Invention, and the Longitude Problem in the Museum. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 371-380). (/isis/citation/CBB329973980/) unapi

Article Lars Gislén (2017)
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Book Richard de Grijs (2017)
Time and Time Again: Determination of Longitude at Sea in the 17th Century. (/isis/citation/CBB403109360/) unapi

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Article Waldemar Spallek (2017)
Evolution of Longitude Description System. Example of Polish School Geographical Atlases (1771–2012). Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny (Polish Cartographical Review) (pp. 177-186). (/isis/citation/CBB206193073/) unapi

Article Dmitry A. Shcheglov (2016)
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Article Christian Marx (2016)
The Western Coast of Africa in Ptolemy's Geography and the Location of his Prime Meridian. History of Geo- and Space Sciences (pp. 27-52). (/isis/citation/CBB116997130/) unapi


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