119 citations
related to Longitude and latitude
119 citations
related to Longitude and latitude as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Lars Gislén
Longitudes, Syzygies, and Instruments in Regiomontanus’ Calendar for 1475–1531.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 91-104).
S. Mohammad Mozaffari
A Survey of Abu ʾl-Wafāʾ’s Solar and Stellar Observations.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 469-488).
Richard de Grijs
European Longitude Prizes. 3: The Unsolved Mystery of an Alleged Venetian Longitude Prize.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 728-738).
Richard de Grijs
European Longitude Prizes. 4: Thomas Axe's Impossible Terms.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 739-750).
Lars Gislén
Seventeenth Century French Jesuit Longitude Determinations in Asia: On the Art of Rectifying the Clocks.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 770-775).
William Tobin; James Lequeux
In Search of the Promontorium Somnii.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 457-467).
Katy Barrett
Looking for Longitude: A Cultural History.
Jiajing Zhang
The Art of Compromise: New Maps in Local Gazetteers of the Late Qing Dynasty.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 829-840).
Lars Gislén
A hidden volvelle in Petrus Apianus' Astronomicum Caesareum.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 802-810).
Xue Zhang
The Plurality of Reception: Latitude and Longitude in Early Modern China, 1700–1900.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 537-558).
Wolfgang Köberer
German Contributions to Solving the Longitude Problem in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
The Mariner's Mirror
(pp. 262-285).
Meropi Morfouli
Galileo Galilei, le « mesureur du temps » et les longitudes: Une interprétation nouvelle de l’instrument proposé par Galilée en 1637.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 78-114).
Richard de Grijs
Historical Chinese efforts to determine longitude at sea.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 54-74).
Sajjad Nikfahm-Khubravan
The Reception of Ptolemy's Latitude Theories in Islamic Astronomy.
Richard de Grijs
European longitude prizes. 2: Astronomy, religion and engineering solutions in the Dutch Republic.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 405-439).
Jonathan Betts
John Harrison and the Quest for Longitude: The Story of Longitude.
Daniel Belteki
At the ends of the line: How the Airy Transit Circle was gradually overshadowed by the Greenwich Prime Meridian.
Science in Context
(pp. 249-264).
Richard de Grijs; Andrew P. Jacob
William Dawes: practical astronomy on the ‘First Fleet’ from England to Australia.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 7-40).
Gyula Pápay
Amerigo Vespucci's Contribution to the Modernization of Cartographic Representation.
KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information.
Robert J. King
Johannes Kepler and Australia.
The Globe Journal
(pp. 15-24).
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