608 citations
related to Imperialism
608 citations
related to Imperialism as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Paul-Arthur Tortosa
Aetiologies of Blame: Fevers, Environment, and Accountability in a War Context (France and Italy, ca. 1800).
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 63-90).
Costanza Bonelli
“Some Typically African Risks”: Safeguarding the Health of Italian Settlers During the Fascist Empire (1935–1941).
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 121-152).
Tom Quick
Once Bitten: Mosquito-Borne Malariotherapy and the Emergence of Ecological Malariology Within and Beyond Imperial Britain.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 67-99).
Jonathan Galka
Oceans of Ooze: Deep-Sea Sedimentary Data, Mineral Resource Frontiers, and Imperial Continuities in Ocean History.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 481-517).
Sandra Khor Manickam
Andō’s Ambiguities in Malaya: The Life of a Japanese Medical Doctor Between British and Japanese Empires.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 329-351).
Maria Paula Diogo; Paula Urze; Ana Simões
Cartoon diplomacy: visual strategies, imperial rivalries and the 1890 British Ultimatum to Portugal.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 147-166).
Hugo Silveira Pereira
The Camera and the Railway: Framing the Portuguese Empire and Technological Landscapes in Angola and Mozambique, 1880s–1910s.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 737-759).
Elena Dai Prà; Valentina De Santi
L'occhio militare sul paesaggio. Il Trentino dei topografi napoleonici (1796-1813).
Warwick Anderson; James Dunk
Planetary Health Histories: Toward New Ecologies of Epidemiology?.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 767-788).
Simon Schaffer
Orientations and Disorientations in the History of Science How Measures Made a Difference at the Imperial Meridian.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 829-856).
Andrew Chittick
The Wu Region as Locality and as Empire.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Helen Cowie
A Tale of Two Anteaters: Madrid 1776 and London 1853.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 591-614).
Isacar Bolaños
Water, Engineers, and French Environmental Imaginaries of Ottoman Iraq, 1868–1908.
Environmental History
(pp. 772-798).
Wengcheong Lam
Connectivity, Imperialism, and the Han Iron Industry.
Michele Sollai
How to Feed an Empire?: Agrarian Science, Indigenous Farming, and Wheat Autarky in Italian-Occupied Ethiopia, 1937–1941.
Agricultural History
(pp. 379-416).
Fa-ti Fan
“Mr. Science”, May Fourth, and the Global History of Science.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 279-304).
Dalia Deias
A Vanished Curiosity from the Observatoire of Louis XIV: the Parterre géographique, a Tool Both of Precision and of Representation.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 74-97).
Dimitri Bayuk; Françoise Le Guet Tully
La visite de Pierre le Grand à Paris en 1717, ou la science au service du pouvoir.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 98-127).
Saheed Aderinto
Animality and Colonial Subjecthood in Africa: The Human and Nonhuman Creatures of Nigeria.
Lachlan Fleetwood
Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya.
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