520 citations
related to Food and foods
520 citations
related to Food and foods as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Zeide, Anna
Soy and Meat: A Postwar North American History.
In: The age of the soybean : An environmental history of soy during the Great Acceleration.
Mary C. Neuburger
Ingredients of Change: The History and Culture of Food in Modern Bulgaria.
Danilo Gasparini
Cerealia. La civiltà dei cereali nei secoli: storia e storie.
Amneris Roselli
La condiscendenza verso il malato nella letteratura medica di età imperiale: interpretazioni dell'Aforisma II 38.
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
(pp. 25-37).
Veronica Aniceti
Animals and their roles in the medieval society of Sicily from Byzantines to Arabs and from Arabs to Norman/Aragoneses (7th-14th c. AD).
Alberto Luongo
Comune, Popolo e crisi alimentari a Perugia (1257-1260).
In: Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna
(pp. 63-77).
Roberto Lorenzetti
Il mago del grano. La rivoluzione verde di Nazareno Strampelli.
In: Cerealia. La civiltà dei cereali nei secoli: storia e storie
(pp. 20-33).
Saverio Russo
Produzione e fabbisogno di cereali nella seconda metà del '700 in Puglia.
In: Cerealia. La civiltà dei cereali nei secoli: storia e storie
(pp. 34-37).
Reinhard Piechocki
Vom Vogelfang und Verzehr zu Verzicht und Verzauberung. Zur Entstehung eines modernen Nahrungs-Tabus in Deutschland (1750–1900) (From bird-catching and consumption to renunciation and enchantment. On the emergence of a modern food taboo in Germany (1750-1900)).
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 416-423).
Thomas Spain; David A. Turner
Food for thought: Transport within the food supply chain.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 194-213).
Iris Yellum
Revaluing Viability: Science and Legumes in Indian Agriculture.
Paul van Reyk
True to the Land: A History of Food in Australia.
Margiana Petersen-Rockney
Porcine Providence: Pigs, Space, and Cultural Strategies of Exclusion in the Making of a US City.
Agricultural History
(pp. 659-689).
Alison K. Smith
Cabbage and Caviar: A History of Food in Russia.
Yanying Zhang; Wurhan; Sachula; et al.
Ethnobotanical profiles of wild edible plants recorded from Mongolia by Yunatov during 1940–1951.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Hugh Lacey
The methodological strategies of agroecological research and the values with which they are linked.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 292-302).
Lawrence Trevelyan Weaver
White Blood: A History of Human Milk.
Kathryn Cornell Dolan
Cattle Country: Livestock in the Cultural Imagination.
Zofia Rzeźnicka; Maciej Kokoszko
Milk and Dairy Products in the Medicine and Culinary Art of Antiquity and Early Byzantium (1st–7th Centuries AD).
Christiane Berth
Food and Revolution: Fighting Hunger in Nicaragua, 1960-1993.
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