Concept ID: CBA000113826


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Cecilia Vitiello (2021)
La peste del 1630 a Bologna. (/isis/citation/CBB197089143/) unapi

Article Merle Eisenberg; Lee Mordechai (2020)
The Justinianic Plague and Global Pandemics: The Making of the Plague Concept. American Historical Review (pp. 1632-1667). (/isis/citation/CBB917568301/) unapi

Article Monica H. Green (2020)
The Four Black Deaths. American Historical Review (pp. 1601-1631). (/isis/citation/CBB190514768/) unapi

Article Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb; Raíssa Rocha Bombini (2020)
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The Evolution and Spread of Major Human Diseases in the Indian Ocean World. In: Disease Dispersion and Impact in the Indian Ocean World (pp. 25-57). (/isis/citation/CBB545775408/) unapi

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Article Sergio Sabbatani (2020)
La peste a Bologna nel 1527. La Madonna del Soccorso e le motivazioni storiche di una sentita devozione popolare. Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina (pp. 243-264). (/isis/citation/CBB335033451/) unapi

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Article Margaret Pelling (2020)
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Article Samuel K. Jr. Cohn (2020)
The Dramaturgy of Epidemics. Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 578-589). (/isis/citation/CBB448730401/) unapi

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Looking Sideways: Locating Epidemics and Erasures in South Asia. Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 637-657). (/isis/citation/CBB502361313/) unapi


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