504 citations
related to Plague
504 citations
related to Plague as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Norman F. Cheville
Pioneer Science and the Great Plagues: How Microbes, War, and Public Health Shaped Animal Health.
Raíssa Rocha Bombini
Entre poções e amuletos: o uso de pedras preciosas na Peste Bubônica do século XIV.
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 26-26).
Edoardo Pittalis
La Serenissima e le epidemie. Scienza, fede e superstizione: come Venezia affrontò il nemico invisibile.
Raíssa Rocha Bombini
Among potions and amulets: the use of precious stones at the 14th Century Bubonic Plague.
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 27-27).
Alessandra Celati
The Experience of the Physician Girolamo Donzellini in the 1575 Venetian Plague: Between Scientia and Heterodoxy.
In: Scientiae in the History of Medicine
(pp. 189-216).
Tim Urban; Melissa Littlefield; Rajani Sudan
Special Issue: Science, Technology, and Literature during Plague and Pandemics.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(pp. 365-373).
Lucinda Cole
Aliens, Plagues, One Health, and the Medical Posthumanities.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(pp. 453-467).
Paloma Ruiz Vega
Farmacia e medicina nelle pandemie di peste nel corso della storia.
Atti e Memorie, Rivista di Storia della Farmacia
(pp. 79-89).
Efrain Kristal
Nicolas Poussin`s The Plague at Ashdod and the French Disease.
In: Disease and disability in medieval and early modern art and literature.
Jones, Lori
Fevers, Botches and Carbuncles: Describing the Plague in Late Medieval and Early Modern Medical Treatises.
In: Disease and disability in medieval and early modern art and literature.
John Aberth
The Black Death : A new history of the great mortality in Europe, 1347-1500.
Monica Green
Global Health in a Semi-Globalized World: History of Infectious Diseases in the Medieval Period.
Isis Bibliography of the History of Science.
Rocco Benedetti; Donatella Calabi; Elena Svalduz; et al.
Venezia 1576, la peste. Una drammatica cronaca del Cinquecento.
Nahyan Fancy; Monica H. Green
Plague and the Fall of Baghdad (1258).
Medical History
(pp. 157-177).
Giuseppe Ripamonti; Cesare Repossi
La peste di Milano del 1630.
Elisabeth Moreau
Pestilence in Renaissance Platonic Medicine: From Astral Causation to Pharmacology and Treatment.
In: Scientiae in the History of Medicine
(pp. 217-246).
Christos Lynteris
Plague Image and Imagination from Medieval to Modern Times.
Lori Jones
Itineraries and Transformations: John of Burgundy's Plague Treatise.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 277-314).
Silvia D'Agata
Comunicare, prevenire, ricordare. Dalla peste del 1656 alla memoria del passato.
In: Libera nos: Epidemie e conflitti sociali in Sicilia (secc. XVI-XXI)
(pp. 33-48).
Lina Scalisi
In attesa dei miracoli, il riparo dei corpi. Pratiche di protezione materiali e simboliche in tempo di peste.
In: Libera nos: Epidemie e conflitti sociali in Sicilia (secc. XVI-XXI)
(pp. 15-32).
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