Concept ID: CBA000113826


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Lori Jones (2022)
'The Last Time that We Can Say the Plague Raged': Historicizing Epidemics. Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 73-86). (/isis/citation/CBB507767844/) unapi

Article Nils Chr. Stenseth; Katharine R. Dean; Barbara Bramanti (2022)
The End of Plague in Europe. Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 61-72). (/isis/citation/CBB615835741/) unapi

Article Michael E. Staub (2022)
Making Sense of Plague in the Vietnam War. Environmental History (pp. 242-268). (/isis/citation/CBB103915585/) unapi

Book Girolamo Mercuriale (2022)
On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague. (/isis/citation/CBB238778388/) unapi

Article Fabian Käs (2022)
Hippokrates, der Großkönig und die Pest Artaxerxes' legendäre Einladung im Spiegel der arabischen Quellen. Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi (pp. 135-158). (/isis/citation/CBB343913480/) unapi

Article Paul Slack (2022)
Perceptions of plague in eighteenth‐century Europe. Economic History Review (pp. 138-156). (/isis/citation/CBB354206049/) unapi

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Chapter Francesco M. Galassi; Elena Percivaldi; Luigi Ingaliso; et al. (2022)
Plague: from palæopathology to wax modelling. In: Ceroplastics: The Science of Wax (pp. 31-38). (/isis/citation/CBB607752752/) unapi

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Article Ka-wai Fan (2022)
The “Two Camps” Competition: the 1894 Hong Kong Plague in Two English Medical Journals. Medicina Historica (pp. 1-10). (/isis/citation/CBB815066885/) unapi

Book James Belich (2022)
The World the Plague Made. (/isis/citation/CBB769651418/) unapi

Article Jongkuk Nam (2021)
Misunderstandings of the transmission of the Black Death to Western Europe : a critical review of De Mussis’s account. Korean Journal of Medical History (pp. 465-498). (/isis/citation/CBB839531877/) unapi

Book Ben Dodds (2021)
Myths and Memories of the Black Death. (/isis/citation/CBB440335571/) unapi

Article Cindy Ermus (October 2021)
Memory and the Representation of Public Health Crises: Remembering the Plague of Provence in the Tricentennial. Environmental History (pp. 776-788). (/isis/citation/CBB993436916/) unapi

Article Elma Brenner (2021)
The Reception, Consumption and Broader Context of a French Vernacular Plague Tract Printed in 1495. Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza (pp. 304-324). (/isis/citation/CBB330074869/) unapi

Book Guido Ruggiero (2021)
Love and Sex in the Time of Plague: A Decameron Renaissance. (/isis/citation/CBB515090730/) unapi

Book Nicole Archambeau (2021)
Souls under Siege: Stories of War, Plague, and Confession in Fourteenth-Century Provence. (/isis/citation/CBB113573412/) unapi

Article Johannes Sander (March 2021)
Historische Seuchen (Historical epidemics). Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau (pp. 69-72). (/isis/citation/CBB542357593/) unapi


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