503 citations
related to Plague
503 citations
related to Plague as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Jacob Steere-Williams
Carbolic Colonialism: Plague, Public Health, and Disability in British India.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 225-243).
Elisa Tinelli
Storia letteraria delle malattie. La narrazione del contagio dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna.
Patrizia Cincinnati
Ludovico Settala, il protomedico de I promessi sposi. Una nota di storia della medicina.
Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina
(pp. 1-13).
Marine Goburdhun
Expérimenter lors des crises épidémiques: quinquina et peste de Naples (1656).
In: Il meraviglioso in età moderna. Dimensioni culturali, scientifiche e religiose
(pp. 33-48).
Bartolomeo Ferrara (da); Paolo Maggioni
Tractatus predicandus in ciuitate pestilenciata.
Jia Hui Lee
Colonial rodent control in Tanganyika and the application of ecological frameworks.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 83-111).
Craig Martin
Histories of Medieval Plague in Renaissance Italy.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 131-148).
Philip Slavin
The Birth of the Black Death: Biology, Climate, Environment, and the Beginnings of the Second Plague Pandemic in Early Fourteenth-Century Central Asia.
Environmental History
(pp. 300-334).
Jacqueline M. Burek
Colonialist Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: Thomas Walsingham and the Black Death on the Anglo-Scottish Border.
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History.
Maria Conforti
History of Epidemics: A Bibliographical Essay on Secondary Sources in Italian and on Italy.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 533-553).
Charles Udale
Evaluating early modern lockdowns: Household quarantine in Bristol, 1565–1604.
Economic History Review
(pp. 118-144).
Jules Skotnes-Brown
Scurrying seafarers: shipboard rats, plague, and the land/sea border.
Journal of Global History
(pp. 108-130).
Luigi Ingaliso
Sapere medico e riforme sanitarie nella seconda edizione dell'Informazione di G.F. Ingrassia.
Luigi Ingaliso
Eziologia e politica sanitaria della peste nelle postille ingrassiane (1756).
Nükhet Varlık
Plague in the Mediterranean and Islamicate World.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 313-362).
Monica H. Green
A New Definition of the Black Death: Genetic Findings and Historical Interpretations.
De Medio Aevo
(pp. 139-155).
Piotr Guzowski
Did the Black Death Reach the Kingdom of Poland in the Mid-Fourteenth Century?.
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
(pp. 193-223).
Paul Slack
End of a Pandemic? Contemporary Explanations for the End of Plague in 18th‑Century England.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 87-98).
Neil Murphy
Plague Hospitals, Poverty and the Provision of Medical Care in France, c.1450–c.1650.
Journal of Social History
(pp. 825-853).
Lori Jones
'The Last Time that We Can Say the Plague Raged': Historicizing Epidemics.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 73-86).
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