Concept ID: CBA000113823

Leprosy (Hansen's disease)

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Embodied Temporalities: Reproduction, Illness, and Chronobiopolitics in Medieval France. (/isis/citation/CBB595127091/) unapi

Book Jo Robertson (2022)
The International Campaign Against Leprosy: 1948 - 2005. (/isis/citation/CBB146380609/) unapi

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An Archive of Skin, An Archive of Kin: Disability and Life-Making during Medical Incarceration. (/isis/citation/CBB371333288/) unapi

Article Donatella Lippi; Raffaella Bianucci; Simon Donell; et al. (2022)
Dante Alighieri's Mentions of the Skin: Assessing the Great Poet's Dermatological Knowledge. Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza (pp. 167-174). (/isis/citation/CBB165209103/) unapi

Book Elma Brenner; François-Olivier Touati (2021)
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Leprosy, Melancholy, Folly and their Representations in French Medieval Literature. In: Disease and disability in medieval and early modern art and literature. (/isis/citation/CBB353904706/) unapi

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The Evolution and Spread of Major Human Diseases in the Indian Ocean World. In: Disease Dispersion and Impact in the Indian Ocean World (pp. 25-57). (/isis/citation/CBB545775408/) unapi

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Doctors’ Dilemma: Appraising the Rights of New South Wales Leprosy Sufferers, 1890–1950. Health and History (pp. 126-149). (/isis/citation/CBB440057912/) unapi

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Death and Survival of Patients with Hansen’s Disease in Colonial Korea. Korean Journal of Medical History (pp. 469-508). (/isis/citation/CBB744108635/) unapi

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Kingdom of the sick: a history of leprosy and Japan. (/isis/citation/CBB398966453/) unapi

Book Leo van Bergen (2018)
Uncertainty, Anxiety, Frugality: Dealing with Leprosy in the Dutch East Indies, 1816-1942. (/isis/citation/CBB666452646/) unapi

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Mikomeseng: Leprosy, Legitimacy and Francoist Repression in Spanish Guinea. Social History of Medicine (pp. 627-647). (/isis/citation/CBB365291662/) unapi

Article Jo Robertson (2018)
Leprosy's Untainted Child. Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 261-286). (/isis/citation/CBB687936815/) unapi

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When Medicine Participates in Field Studies: Epidemiological Research of Hansen's Disease during Pre- and Wartime Japan. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 218-232). (/isis/citation/CBB663778309/) unapi

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Thesis Flavius M. Mokake (2018)
Isolation, Control and Rehabilitation: A Social and Medical History of Leprosy Treatment and Leprosaria in Cameroon, 1916–1975. (/isis/citation/CBB102962694/) unapi


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