132 citations
related to Cognitive science
132 citations
related to Cognitive science as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Slingerland, Edward
Body and Mind in Early China: An Integrated Humanities--Science Approach.
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
(p. 6).
Müller, Olaf L.
Verschmierte Spuren der Unfreiheit: Wissenschaftsphilosophische Klarstellung zu angeblichen Artefakten bei Benjamin Libet.
Philosophia Naturalis
(pp. 45-83).
Engelhardt, Eliasz
Cerebrocerebellar System and Türck's Bundle.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(p. 353).
Junior, Alexandre Sech; Araujo, Saulo de Freitas; Moreira-Almeida, Alexander
William James and Psychical Research: Towards a Radical Science of Mind.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 62-78).
Hwang, Kwang-Kuo
Linking Science to Culture: Challenge to Psychologists.
Social Epistemology
(p. 105).
Robertson, Lisa Ann
The Embodied Imagination: British Romantic Cognitive Science.
Budisavljevica, Sanja; Ramnanib, Narender
Cognitive Deficits from a Cerebellar Tumour: A Historical Case Report from Luria's Laboratory.
(pp. 26-35).
Jacobson, Anne Jaap; Maibom, Heidi Lene; Bluhm, Robyn
Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science.
Bird, Alexander
What Can Cognitive Science Tell Us about Scientific Revolutions?.
Theoria (0495-4548)
(pp. 293-321).
Essay Review
Mirowski, Philip
Minding the Cybernetic Gap.
Technology and Culture.
Essay Review
Halpern, Orit
Affective Machines.
Technology and Culture.
Ghamari, Sharon
Cognitive and Perceptual Training in the Cold War Man-Machine System.
In: Uncertain Empire: American History and the Idea of the Cold War
(p. 267).
Richard K. Payne
Cognitive Science and Classical Buddhist Philosophy of Mind.
In: Routledge Companion to Religion and Science
(pp. 296-307).
Charlene P. E. Burns
Christianity and the Cognitive Sciences.
In: Routledge Companion to Religion and Science
(pp. 308-319).
Stephen Kaplan
Hinduism and the Cognitive Sciences: Challenges, Contrasts, and Confluences.
In: Routledge Companion to Religion and Science
(pp. 320-329).
Sio, Fabio De
Leviathan and the Soft Animal: Medical Humanism and the Invertebrate Models for Higher Nervous Functions, 1950s--90s.
Medical History
(p. 369).
Essay Review
Kline, Ronald R.
Cybernetics As a Usable Past.
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
Uttal, William R.
Mind and Brain: A Critical Appraisal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Kauders, Anthony D.
Drives in Dispute: The West German Student Movement, Psychoanalysis, and the Search for a New Emotional Order, 1967--1971.
Central European History
(p. 711).
Lemov, Rebecca
X-Rays of Inner Worlds: The Mid-Twentieth-Century American Projective Test Movement.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 251-278).
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