Geographic Term ID: CBA000113783


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The Early History of Water Wars in Chile: Rivers, Ecological Disaster and Multinational Mining Companies. Environment and History (pp. 421-446). (/isis/citation/CBB123904559/) unapi

Article Francisco Garrido; Ricardo Paredes (2021)
Modernizing a nation through its radio and television industry: RCA Victor in Chile, 1928-1973. History and Technology (pp. 379-395). (/isis/citation/CBB870830092/) unapi

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Article Leonor Adán; Simón Urbina; Doina Munita; et al. (2021)
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Privatizing Expertise: Environmental Scientists and Technocrats in Chile’s Transition to Democracy. In: Itineraries of Expertise: Science, Technology, and the Environment in Latin America (pp. 282-301). (/isis/citation/CBB636971392/) unapi

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