151 citations
related to Chile
151 citations
related to Chile as a subject or category
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Tomas Ariztia; Aline Bravo; Ignacio Nuñez
Baroque tools for climate action. What do we learn from a catalogue of local technologies?.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Diego Barría Traverso; Eduardo Carreño Lara
Welcome to Santiago: Commercial aviation relations between Chile and the socialist countries, 1970–1973.
Cold War History
(pp. 473-494).
Paul A. Vanden Bout; Robert L. Dickman; Adele L. Plunkett
The ALMA Telescope.
Jorge Castillo-Sepúlveda; Francisco Tirado; Ana Gálvez
Biopolitics and speculative objects in Chilean health projects.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 194-212).
Joshua Frens-String
Natural Partners: Chilean Nitrates and the Rise of Intensive Agriculture in the US South, 1900–1945.
Agricultural History
(pp. 48-83).
Stephen Wren
A Forgotten ‘Merchant of Death’. Auguste Schriever, the deal-maker of Liège.
Arms and Armour Society Journal
(pp. 90-105).
Gustavo Gómez Barbieri; Jatniel Delgado Valdivia; Oscar F. Araneda; et al.
Chile-Italy a Historicist View of Pandemics and Epidemics: What are the Lessons we Must Learn? A Scoping Review Article.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
(pp. 67-98).
María Verónica Troncoso Guzman; Francisca Ugarte
Cartography of the Chilean exile in Baden-Württemberg: The story of the solidarity network.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Felipe Raglianti
Civilizing mummies: An adventure of technicians in archaeological collections.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Sebastián Rojas-Navarro; Francisco Moller-Domínguez; Samanta Alarcón-Arcos; et al.
Care during exceptional times: results of the CUIDAR study on the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
(p. 2038858).
Carlos Sanhueza-Cerda
Stabilizing Local Knowledge: The Installation of a Meridian Circle at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile (1908–1913).
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 710-727).
Daniela Serra
A Naturalist between Two Worlds: Field Collecting in Claude Gay’s Forging of a Scientific Career in Chile and France.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Natalia Gándara-Chacana
Gender, Place and the Validation of Knowledge: The Transnational Debate about the Effects of the Chilean Earthquakes of 1822 and 1835 on Land Elevation.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(pp. 386-409).
Sebastián Ureta; Patricio Flores
Worlds of Gray and Green: Mineral Extraction as Ecological Practice.
Sarah Walsh
The executioner’s shadow: Coerced sterilization and the creation of “Latin” eugenics in Chile.
History of Science
(pp. 18-40).
Miguel León Garrido
Aspectos geológicos en la Historia general del Reino de Chile, Flandes indiano (1674) de Diego de Rosales.
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(pp. 37-58).
Felipe A. López
Solar Energy and Lithium: Genealogy of the Solar Ponds in the Salar de Atacama (1970s).
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 90-126).
Benjamín Armijo Galdames; Claudio Gutiérrez Gallardo
Los orígenes de la primera Escuela de Ingeniería en Chile [The Origin of the Eary School of Engineering in Chile].
Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria
(pp. 51-86).
Juan Ricardo Nazer; Manuel Llorca-Jaña
(Autumn 2021)
The Development of the Casino Industry in Chile.
Business History Review
(pp. 517-541).
Andra B. Chastain
(August 2021)
“A shameful and uncivilized spectacle”: Taxibuses, students, and the conflicted road to deregulation in Pinochet’s Chile, 1975–1978.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 187-205).
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