176 citations
related to Chemical elements
176 citations
related to Chemical elements as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Ronei Clécio Mocellin; Martín Labarca
For a Dialogue Between the Teaching of Chemistry and the History and Philosophy of Chemistry: the Case of the Concept of 'Chemical Element'.
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 81-89).
Marco Fontani; Mariagrazia Costa
A New Colorful World: Georges Urbain (1872-1938), the Red Star Who Disappeared Off the Horizon.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 60-69).
Yoshiteru Maeno; Yoji Hisamatsu; Kazuhiro Egashira
Kenji Yoshihara (1929-2022): Shedding Light on the Work of Masataka Ogawa on His Discovery of the Element "Nipponium." An Obituary-Tribute.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 236-241).
Sarah N. Hijmans
The Tantalum Metals (1801–1866): Nineteenth-Century Analytical Chemistry and the Identification of Chemical Elements.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 399-419).
Dimitris Papadopoulos; María Puig de la Bellacasa; Natasha Myers
Reactivating Elements: Chemistry, Ecology, Practice.
Ivoni de Freitas-Reis; Beatriz Gatti de Castro
Marguerite Catherine Perey (1909-1975): The Discovery of Francium and the Election of the First Woman to the French Academy of Sciences.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 302-309).
Arthur Greenberg
Mendeleev's “Problems:” A Means to Engage Students and Teachers in the History of Chemistry.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 15-28).
Peter E. Childs
The Iodine Industry in Glasgow and Scotland.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 198-214).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium.
E. G. Marks; J. A. Marks
Mendeleyev revisited.
Foundations of Chemistry
(pp. 215-223).
Philip Ball
The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery.
Pier Remigio Salvi
Discovering Oxygen: Experimental Techniques and Logic of a Great Chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 30-41).
Eric R. Scerri; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The Impact of Twentieth-Century Physics on the Periodic Table and Some Remaining Questions in the Twenty-First Century.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 409-423).
Ronald Brashear; Gary Patterson; Carmen J. Giunta; et al.
Josiah Parsons Cooke, the Natural Philosophy of Sir John F. W. Herschel and the Rational Chemistry of the Elements.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 43-59).
Ann E. Robinson; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
Dmitri Mendeleev and the Periodic System: Philosophy, Periodicity, and Predictions.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 13-33).
Vera V. Mainz; Carmen J. Giunta; Gregory S. Girolami
Mary Elvira Weeks and Discovery of the Elements.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 343-383).
Mary Virginia Orna; Marco Fontani; Carmen J. Giunta; et al.
Discovery of Three Elements Predicted by Mendeleev’s Table: Gallium, Scandium, and Germanium.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 227-257).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
Editors’ Introduction.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 1-10).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
Vis Tellurique of Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 61-91).
Jay A. Labinger; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The History (and Pre-history) of the Discovery and Chemistry of the Noble Gases.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 303-327).
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