Concept ID: CBA000113742


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Gábor Förköli (2023)
From chemical atomism to Lutheran orthodoxy: The journey of Johann Sperling's physics from Wittenberg to the peripheries. Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies (pp. 115-142). (/isis/citation/CBB864424925/) unapi

Article Maria Fiammetta Iovine (2023)
La Luce (1698) by Giovanni Michele Milani – A Final Attempt at Reconciling Atomism and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Rome?. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 172-217). (/isis/citation/CBB274751550/) unapi

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Article Andrei Marinca (2022)
Geraldus Odonis on Atomism: With a Critical Edition of In ii Sent., d. 44, q. 4. Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages (pp. 325-386). (/isis/citation/CBB575518904/) unapi

Article Michael Augustin; Caterina Pellò (2022)
Life and Lifeforms in Early Greek Atomism. Apeiron (pp. 601-625). (/isis/citation/CBB592685060/) unapi

Article Francesco Di Giacomo (2022)
On some analogies of modern science with Plato’s science in Timaeus and on Plato’s influence on Kepler and Ptolemy. Indian Journal of History of Science (pp. 16-25). (/isis/citation/CBB718222441/) unapi

Article Dana Jalobeanu (2022)
Dissecting Nature ad vivum: Parts and Wholes in Francis Bacon’s Natural Philosophy. Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali (pp. 165-182). (/isis/citation/CBB815665162/) unapi

Article Francesco Di Giacomo (2022)
Ancient Analogues of Chemical Equations. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (pp. 265-269). (/isis/citation/CBB745389255/) unapi

Article Leen Spruit (2022)
The Controversy over Atomism in Seventeenth-Century Naples: Francesco d’Andrea vs. Giovanni Battista de Benedictis. Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali (pp. 231-252). (/isis/citation/CBB306197299/) unapi

Article Carla Rita Palmerino (2022)
From Active Matter to Inertia, from Celerity to Slowness: the Motion of Atoms and of Compound Bodies in Gassendi’s Physics. Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali (pp. 183-198). (/isis/citation/CBB352728199/) unapi

Article Guillaume Coissard (2021)
Du Châtelet entre monadisme et atomisme : la matière dans les Institutions de physique. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 297-329). (/isis/citation/CBB275773396/) unapi

Article Richard Dawid (2021)
The role of meta-empirical theory assessment in the acceptance of atomism. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 50-60). (/isis/citation/CBB703508661/) unapi

Article Krešimir Molčanov (2021)
Atomism of Lucretius Seen Through the Eyes of a Modern Physical Chemist. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (pp. 6-20). (/isis/citation/CBB033317287/) unapi

Book Matthew M. Gorey (2021)
Atomism in the Aeneid: Physics, Politics, and Cosmological Disorder. (/isis/citation/CBB372893253/) unapi

Article Tyson Stolte (2021)
The Meaning of Matter: Atoms, Energy, and the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Victorian Studies (pp. 354-376). (/isis/citation/CBB372364626/) unapi

Book George E. Smith; Raghav Seth (2020)
Brownian Motion and Molecular Reality. (/isis/citation/CBB800777900/) unapi

Article Klodian Coko (2020)
Jean Perrin and the Philosophers’ Stories: The Role of Multiple Determination in Determining Avogadro’s Number. HOPOS (pp. 143-193). (/isis/citation/CBB808298568/) unapi

Article Robert Hudson (2020)
What Was Perrin Really Doing in His Proof of the Reality of Atoms?. HOPOS (pp. 194-218). (/isis/citation/CBB449145782/) unapi

Article Robert Podkoński (2020)
Continuous Time and Instantaneous Speed in the Works of William Heytesbury and Richard Swineshead. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 205-223). (/isis/citation/CBB048764093/) unapi


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