111 citations
related to Astrolabes
111 citations
related to Astrolabes as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Marseille, Raymond de; Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'; Burnett, Charles; et al.
Opera omnia. Tome I, Traité de l'astrolabe, [suivi de] Liber cursuum planetarum.
Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich
The Astrolabe for Latitude 41ºN of Simeon de Witt: An Early American Celestial Planisphere.
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
(p. 91).
Wintroub, Michael
The Heavens Inscribed: The Instrumental Poetry of the Virgin in Early Modern France.
British Journal for the History of Science
(p. 161).
Ohashi, Yukio
Introduction of Persian Astronomy into India.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 49-74).
Miyajima, Kazuhiko
A New Discovery of Korean Astrolabe.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(p. 211).
Borrelli, Arianna
Aspects of the Astrolabe: “Architectonica Ratio” in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Europe.
King, David A.
Islamic Astronomical Instruments and Some Examples of Transmission to Europe.
In: A Shared Legacy: Islamic Science East and West. Homage to Professor J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa
(p. 321).
Schechner, Sara
Astrolabes and Medieval Travel.
In: The Art, Science, and Technology of Medieval Travel
(p. 181).
Casulleras, Josep
Mathematical Astrology in the Medieval Islamic West.
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften
(p. 241).
Eagleton, Catherine
“Chaucer's Own Astrolabe”: Text, Image and Object.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(p. 303).
Steele, John M.
Calendars and Years: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East.
Hogendijk, Jan P.
A New Look at the Barber's Astrolabe in the Arabian Nights.
In: O ye Gentlemen: Arabic Studies on Science and Literary Culture
(p. 65).
King, David A.
Astrolabes and Angels, Epigrams and Enigmas: From Regiomontanus' Acrostic for Cardinal Bessarion to Piero della Francesca's Flagellation of Christ.
Calvo, Emilia
Un traité d'Ibn Bāṣo sur la tablette universelle pour toutes les latitudes.
In: Études d'histoire des sciences arabes
(p. 83).
Calvo, Emilia; Puig, Roser
The Universal Plate Revisited.
Suhayl: Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation
(p. 113).
Newbury, B. D.; Notis, M. R.; Stephenson, B.; et al.
The Astrolabe Craftsmen of Lahore and Early Brass Metallurgy.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(p. 201).
Simek, Rudolf; Chlench, Kathrin
Johannes von Gmunden (ca. 1384--1442): Astronom und Mathematiker.
Schramm, Matthias; Albert, Carl-Philipp; Schütz, Michael; et al.
Der Astrolabtext aus der Handschrift Codex 196, Bürgerbibliothek Bern---Spuren arabischer Wissenschaft im mittelalterlichen Abendland.
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften
(p. 199).
Eagleton, Catherine; Spencer, Matthew
Copying and Conflation in Geoffrey Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe: A Stemmatic Analysis Using Phylogenetic Software.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(p. 237).
King, David A.
Two Astrolabes for the Ottoman Sultan Bayezit II.
In: Essays in Honour of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu
(p. 439).
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