Concept ID: CBA000113719


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Jessica Hinchy (2024)
Histories of aging and gender variability: Old age in the nineteenth-century ‘Hijra’/‘Eunuch’ archive. Gender and History (pp. 130-150). (/isis/citation/CBB034703548/) unapi

Article Caroline Wechsler; Hannah Marcus (2023)
Long life: Aging and the anxieties of longevity from the premodern to the present. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (p. 100876). (/isis/citation/CBB488318773/) unapi

Article Kazuhiro Shibata (2023)
Spirits and the Prolongation of Life in Francis Bacon: Commonality and Difference between the Inanimate and the Animate. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 218-238). (/isis/citation/CBB419100100/) unapi

Article Manoj Vimal; Wairokpam Premi Devi; Ian McGonigle (2023)
Generational Medicine in Singapore: A National Biobank for a Greying Nation. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 71-87). (/isis/citation/CBB043411552/) unapi

Article James Chappel (2023)
Wrinkles in Time: Old Age, Gender and Temporality in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Gender and History (pp. 935-953). (/isis/citation/CBB465074051/) unapi

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Masculine Old Women or Feminine Old Men? Rethinking Gender and the Ageing Body in Early Modern English Medicine. Gender and History (pp. 408-428). (/isis/citation/CBB291404582/) unapi

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Echoes of William Gowers’s concept of abiotrophy. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (pp. 425-449). (/isis/citation/CBB941012757/) unapi

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Article Andrea Charise; Devoney Looser; David McAllister; et al. (2021)
Bending the Clock: New Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Ageing: A Roundtable Conversation. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. (/isis/citation/CBB956259833/) unapi

Article Christiana Payne (2021)
Ancient Trees and Aged Peasants. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. (/isis/citation/CBB603351035/) unapi

Article Alice Crossley (2021)
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Article Marco J. Nathan (2021)
Does anybody really know what time it is?. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (p. 26). (/isis/citation/CBB133423676/) unapi

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Article Brian Draper (2021)
Dementia in Nineteenth-Century Australia. Health and History (pp. 38-60). (/isis/citation/CBB895582960/) unapi


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