246 citations
related to 12th century
246 citations
related to 12th century as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Krisztina Szilágyi
A Fragment of a Book of Physics from the David Kaufmann Genizah Collection (Budapest) and the Identity of Ibn Daud with Avendauth.
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
(pp. 10-31).
Jean-Patrice Boudet
Les comètes dans le Centiloquium et le De cometis du pseudo-Ptolémée.
In: The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia
(pp. 195-226).
Raffaele Pisano; Paolo Bussotti
Fibonacci and the Abacus Schools in Italy. Mathematical Conceptual Streams - Education and its Changing Relationship with Society.
(pp. 126-164).
Ahmed Ragab
The Medieval Islamic Hospital: Medicine, Religion, and Charity.
Luisa Valente
"Noxia, venenosa, superflua": animali nocivi, ottimismo metafisico e giusta disobbedienza nella "Expositio in Hexameron" di Pietro Abelardo.
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
(pp. 365-380).
Alessandra Fiocca
Il "Bullettino Boncompagni" e la riscoperta della matematica medievale.
In: Scienze e rappresentazioni. Saggi in onore di Pierre Souffrin
(pp. 495-509).
Essay Review
Nathan Sivin
Essay Review: Recent Publications on Shen Kuo’s Mengxi bitan (Brush Talks from Dream Brook).
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Koetschet, Pauline
Galien, Al-Rāzī, et l'éternité du monde. Les fragments du traité Sur la démonstration, IV, dans les Doutes sur Galien.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 167-198).
Sinai, Nicolai
Al-Suhraward on Mirror Vision and Suspended Images (Muthul Mu allaqa).
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 279-297).
Nothaft, C. Philipp E.
Roman vs. Arabic Computistics in Twelfth-Century England: A Newly Discovered Source (Collatio Compoti Romani et Arabici).
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 187-208).
Clemency Montelle; Kim Plofker
The Transformation of a Handbook into Tables: The Brahmatulyasārṇī and the Karaṇakutūhala of Bhāskara.
Sciamvs: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences
(pp. 1-34).
Bajri, Sanaa; Hannah, John; Montelle, Clemency
Revisiting al-Samaw'al's Table of Binomial Coefficients: Greek Inspiration, Diagrammatic Reasoning and Mathematical Induction.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 537-576).
Alfred Lohr; Magister Cunestabulus; Rogerus Herefordensis; et al.
Opera de computo saeculi duodecimi.
Elma Brenner
Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen.
Chris J. Davis; David M. Willis
Evidence for Recurrent Auroral Activity in the Twelfth and Seventeenth Centuries.
In: New Insights From Recent Studies in Historical Astronomy: Following in the Footsteps of F. Richard Stephenson
(pp. 61-90).
Karen de Groene
Continuïteit of innovatie? Een onbestaand dilemma in het Liber Floridus van Lambertus van Sint-Omaars..
Caert-Thresoor: Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de kartografie in Nederland
(pp. 67-78).
Schmitz-Esser, Romedio
The Cursed and the Holy Body: Burning Corpses in the Middle Ages.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
(pp. 131-157).
İshak Arslan
Pushing the Limits of the Universe: Criticisms of Peripatetic Cosmology in Hikmat al-Ishrâq and its Commentaries.
Nazariyat: İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences)
(pp. 141-164).
Mahesh, K.
Sankramavakyas of the Vakyakarana.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(pp. 157-169).
Mariam Rosser-Owen
Andalusi Spolia in Medieval Morocco: “Architectural Politics, Political Architecture”.
Medieval Encounters
(pp. 152-198).
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