Person ID: CBA000106864

Waldseemüller, Martin

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Birth and Death Dates c. 1470-1518

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Article Gregory C. McIntosh (2023)
Revisiting the “Admiral’s Map”: What Was It? And Who Was He?. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 251-278). (/isis/citation/CBB226045751/) unapi

Article Donald L. McGuirk Jr; Gregory C. McIntosh (2023)
Depicting Cuba, Not North America: Solving the Enigma of America on Early Maps. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 4-64). (/isis/citation/CBB336317844/) unapi

Article Richard Weiner (2023)
Is Waldseemüller’s “North America” Really Columbus’s Cuba? Investigating a Map Mystery and Other Episodes in the History of Cartography and Exploration. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 1-3). (/isis/citation/CBB271286651/) unapi

Book Filippo Camerota (2023)
Una terra oltre le stelle. Il planisfero di Martin Waldseemüller. (/isis/citation/CBB579292077/) unapi

Article Robert J. King (2022)
The Antipodes on Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map. The Globe Journal (pp. 43-60). (/isis/citation/CBB263021273/) unapi

Book Chet A Van Duzer (2020)
Martin Waldseemüller’s 'Carta marina' of 1516. Study and transcription of the long legends. (/isis/citation/CBB316578243/) unapi

Book Wolfgang Jahn (2019)
Geschichte einer Fälschung: Die Waldseemüller-Globensegmente in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. (/isis/citation/CBB757504034/) unapi

Book Chet Van Duzer (2019)
Henricus Martellus’s World Map at Yale (c. 1491). (/isis/citation/CBB688508160/) unapi

Article Chet van Duzer (2017)
The Reluctant Cosmographer: Johannes Stöffler (1452–1531) and the Discovery of the New World.. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 132-148). (/isis/citation/CBB153540417/) unapi

Article Donald L. McGuirk (2014)
The Presumed North America on the Waldseemüller World Map (1507): A Theory of Its Discovery by Christopher Columbus. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 86-102). (/isis/citation/CBB037378609/) unapi

Article Meurer, Peter (2014)
Die Basler Weltkarte Typus Cosmographicus universalis von Sebastian Münster. Cartographica Helvetica (pp. 41-50). (/isis/citation/CBB001421757/) unapi

Book Hessler, John W. (2013)
A Renaissance Globemaker's Toolbox: Johannes Schöner and the Revolution of Modern Science, 1475--1550. (/isis/citation/CBB001200942/) unapi

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Das moderne Kartenbild von Europa auf der Carta Itineraria Waldseemüllers von 1511/1520. Cartographica Helvetica (pp. 34-48). (/isis/citation/CBB001421749/) unapi

Book Hessler, John W.; Duzer, Chet A. Van (2012)
Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemu ller's 1507 and 1516 World Maps. (/isis/citation/CBB001201599/) unapi

Chapter Thomas Horst (2012)
Der Memminger Arzt Jakob Stopel ( 1535) und sein humanistisch geprägtes Umfeld. In: Festschrift für Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt Brunner anlässlich des Ausscheidens aus dem aktiven Dienst (pp. 109-129). (/isis/citation/CBB013423715/) unapi

Chapter Thomas Horst (2012)
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Article Horst, Thomas (2007/2008)
Der Niederschlag von Entdeckungsreisen auf Globen des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts. Der Globusfreund: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde (p. 23). (/isis/citation/CBB001024600/) unapi

Article Obhof, Ute (2007/2008)
Der Erdglobus, der Amerika benannte: Die Überlieferung der Globensegmente von Martin Waldseemüller. Der Globusfreund: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde (p. 13). (/isis/citation/CBB001024599/) unapi

Article Hessler, John (2005)
Warping Waldseemüller: A Cartometric Study of the Coast of South Americaas Portrayed on the 1507 World Map. Coordinates: Online Journal of the Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association.. (/isis/citation/CBB000640009/) unapi

Article Hébert, John R. (2005)
The Map that Named America: Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map. Coordinates: Online Journal of the Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association.. (/isis/citation/CBB000640010/) unapi


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